RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

docs not yet exist a uniform stand on this problem (except in principle) nor is practice uniform. Working groups of editors аге not yet sufficiently effective and there is stiU a certain level of competition in relations even when it is completely groundless. A large number of question occuring in the domain of programme cooperation are put on the agenda of programme and other bodies when time is short and without sufficient groundwork and preparation. They are then settled by means of temporary and ad hoc solutions. If there is no such solution, the problem is postponed for examination »at a future session« (general discussions on TV Festival, talks on programme plans, mutual economic relations amongst TV stations etc.). It is not intended to show here by mear з of examples that nothing is bemg done in this sphere but rather to insist that we cannot be content with the statement that »considerably more has been done than in the previous period but we cannot be content with the results achieved«. The assessment must be more definite and must run that as to volume less is being done, the content is poorer and that the general approach is far less organised than it ought to be at the present. Practice considerably lags behind the requirements of the social system. V i ■ We lag behind the realistic and defined social requ;rements despite the conclusions of the highest party and other fora, programme and other bodies m our collectives (Tenth LCY Congress and the League of Commumst Congresses of the repubUcs and provinces, symposia on mformation in 1972 and 1975, the joint document of the Ezecutive Committee of the Central Committee Presidency of the LC Y and of the Federal Conference Secretariat of the Socialist Alhance, the Action Programme of the Federal Conference Presidency of the SociaUst АШапсе on the construction of an mformation system in the socialist self-management society, RTV party symposia in Sarajevo, MUočer, Kladovo, Ohrid etc.).’ 2. The causes thereof evidently Ue deep and serious study is necessary to discover tbem. It is clear that these causes should not be sought ш the specific natures of the individual republics and provmces, that is of their TV centres, bur rather in temporary diiliculties of an objective nature confronting the individual TV 111(3 ln Iће insufficient level of engagement of subjective 3. These objective difficulties doubtless included the consequences of the unequal development of Yugoslav TV centres to date... 4. The greatest of the subjective weaknesses is the lack of a systematic approach to the problem from a long-term point of view.