RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

JRT is one of the few communities on a federal level which does not have jointly established guidelines and bases of long-term and medium-term development. VI Taken on the whole, Vugoslav television takes into account the requests of information users for authentic content, news from the local organisations of associated labour, the residents associations and the self-management communities of interest. The real need for this kind of information stems from the complex situations and problems which under the new conditions аге solved in a decentrahsed manner, hence the need for analogies in situations and forms of solving individual current problems. The need has also been accepted for information on decisions already passed to give way to information which wffl make possible the reaching of agreement, the adjustment of interests and the constitution of common positions and decisions. It is, however, as if the process halts at the borders of the republics and'provinces. It is as if the process of the differentiation of TV programmes and TV centres is stffl underway, which is undoubtedly a good thing, but it would be better if a certain amount of control could be estabhshed alongside the reverse process. The aim- thereof wc 'd not, of course, be the the merging into a homogenous 'vhole but rather the creation of »umty in diversity« especiahy as v e are not deahng with eight independent manufacturers of commodides who аге exchanging in order to achieve increased income but rather with a specific activity which is an essential part of the socio-political system. RIZA ALAJ Director of TV Priština It is only in Tito’s new sociahst Vugoslavia that the foundations and possibilities have been created for the free, equal speedy and comprehensive development of radio-broadcasting in the languages of the Vugoslav nations and nationahties. Thanks to the efforts ol the social community in Vugoslavia, today there exists a powerful broadcasting network with radio-television centres m all repubhcs and provinces. Eight independent and equal repubhcan and provincial radio-television centres, preparing and transmittmg programmes in 11 languages, over three mfflion TV sets and 7 milhon radios, an extensive local radio system - ah this represents a powerful tool in the hands of the working class and the LCY m the struggle for the liberation of man and his work, for the construcuon of integral self-management sociahsm, for the further deepemng o fehowship and the brotherhood and unity of the Vugoslav naUons