RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

of the working class and the even closer links amongst the Yugoslav socialist self-management communities. The present level of programme cooperation amongst the TV centres is, however, not satisfactory. This cooperation does not correspond to needs either in volume or quality which is demonstrated by data from a enquiry carried out recently by JRT. This enquiry shows that Vugoslav TV programmes do not give sufficient coverage of achievements, Ufe and work in аИ the repubUcs and provinces of the working people of all nations and nationaHties. Information to a great extent does not cross the repubUcan and provincial borders. It is for a great part of a forum nature and does not deal with the Ufe and work of the mass of workers. The enquiry also shows that where the reception of information is concemed, the highly developed TV centres аге more closed than the less developed ones especiaUy with respect to the cultural, artistic and other creative activities of the nationaUties. Yugoslav TV programmes, therefore, аге stiU not doing enough to present and assert the cultural heritage of aU the Yugoslav nations and nationaUties. The reasons for the insufficient programme openness, that is for the repubUcan and provincial isolation, especiallv as concerns the cultural and artistic creativity of the nations, do not lie in the lack of knowledge of the languages but rather in technobureaucratic, egoistic and particularist influences and in the lack of comprehension of the fundamental goals of programme poUcy in individual organs. Programme isolation is harmful for aU environments and for aU nationaUties as аге aU cultural, Unguistic, economic-comercial and aU other forms of hegemony which could occur in relations towards the less developed regions and nationalities of those environments in which production forces, including broadcasting systems, аге highly developed. In the future, as has been the case in the past, the realisation of the role of TV in the development of socialist, self-management inter-nationality relations in Yugoslavia depend on many factors, amongst which we could on this occasion menuon the foUowmg; Firstlv: the kewn, uniform principles on which the Yugoslav information system is founded, presuppose the development ot independent and equal television programmes m the republics and provinces. This wiU continue to be of exceptional importance for the expression of national freedom, equality and autonomy but also ot joint interests, for better mutual acquaintance and hnks amongst he nations and nationalities in Yugoslavia, for mutual influence and the enrichment of the cultures of the Yugoslav nations and nationalities. The provision of information by means of television m the repubhcs and provinces in the languages of the nations and nationalities of a given region must also represent, to a greater extent than at present one of the elements of the uniform system m the country, throug which there is the realisation of the constant exchange of ideas,