RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

positions and opinions essential for the unity of interests and aims of the working class, the nations and nationahties of Yugoslavia. There is no single information system in Yugoslavia nor can there be one and there is no single Yugoslav TV programme, which tvould represent a negation in the name of some false unity, false intemationahsm and false class interest of the constitutional functions of the republics and provinces in this domain. Furthermore, it would represent the negation of the language and other national features and specific natures of the Yugoslav nations and nationahties. Republic and provincial broadcasting systems are created and developed adequately in the languages of the nations and nationahties of each environment, of each repubhc and province. The uniform self-management Yugoslav system of information and the unique self-management broadcasting system аге not and cannot be something above and beyond the information and broadcasting systems of the repubhcs and provinces. On the contrary, the Yugoslav information system reflects the individual repubhcan and provincial systems. Despite the results achieved in this context, however, some Yugoslav TV centres, although they transmit in a multi-national environment, do not yet have their own multi-national programmes but merely transmit programmes from other TV centres and some do not even do that. This is not in accordance with the LCY pohcy of national equahty. Thence the struggle to provide TV programmes in each centre in the languages of the region, regardless of the number of inhabitants of this ог that nationality, is the only altemative if we wish to implement the essence of LCY pohcy and the constitutional norms on the national equality of the nations and nationahties as the fundamental factor of real fellowship, cohesion and self-management integration in the Yugoslav community. Secondly: the more dynamic and comprehensive programme cooperation amongst centres - either by means of a joint JRT scheme ог via inter-studio and inter-organ cooperation - wih depend to a great extent on the further socialisation and democratisation of programmes in each of the Yugoslav centres and relations in JRT and on the strengthening of the influence of the interests of the working class in the LCY and RTV. The working class and the workers of ah the Yugoslav nations and nationahties are not interested in isolating TV programmes into national borders or into the borders of the socio-political communities. On the contrary, it is in the class and national interest of the working class and the workers of ah nations and naticnahties to become better informed through the programmes of the Yugoslav Tv centres on the work and life in each environment, on the overal creativity and culture of each nationality in Yugoslavia. The more people become mutuahy acquainted, the greater the mutual trust and