RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

take the place of the normal exchange amongst studios. Where the educational programme is concemed we have a number of projects on self-management. I consider that the lesson from this cooperation is beneficial but there is also a negative side. This is for the very reason that we did not cooperate more in the initial phases. We divided the subjects. Each prepared programmes in his studio and sent them to another republic. It was only at this point that we saw that this programme had not achieved what we wanted. There was no dialogue on the essence of these programmes, we did not know what exactly we were looking for and therefore we did not achieve what we had wanted... I think that there is much rrationality in our dealings, that we do not have enough faith in those responsible for carrying out the tasks and in this way have created supplementary work ог activity in individual television centres. This irrationality is extending both into the programme and material... We would really like to be able to be more selective in what we receive. Howver, we do not have the conditions for this, for we do not have sufficient material to be able to make a selection. This is why I said that in'the case of daily information and news items it is i protocol items which аге sued. Each republic, each television centre, has its relation to protocol and consolidates it in its daily information-news programmes according to conviction. This rs correct but when an exchange is camed out then the differences аге great... Ljubljana is commencing the exchange of whole teams, 4 or 5 journalists from the various domains, with Skoplje, Skoplje \vill not aid us in this exchange only in techmcal metter but also m programme affairs. We shall work together, we shall get to know Macedonia, for I think that one of the fundamental matters m the whole of this question is that in this роог exchange we аге not becoming acquainted with one another... IVAN NOJBAUER Editor-in-chief of TV Novi Sad information programme I am convinced that the introductory marks have hit the nail on tht head. This is nothmg new. We have been talkmg about this for somt time but with little success... It seems to me that Vugoslav television is not active enough m relationships with foreign TV stations, Eight TV stations, with excellent fmancial and technical conditions and a large number o experts have neither been seen nor heard abroad. We can and mus undertake a number of projects every уеаг m order to mform th. world on what is actually happening m Vugoslavia...