RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

seen and heard«. I doubt whether a formula be found according to which this will be solved with the exception of those principles set forward by Comrade Nuhić... The fundamental problem Ues in the fact that there is simply not enough time on television to satisfy all requests, not even to do everything which we ourselves would like... It would perhaps be extremely useful to hear how and in what way information is selected and what criteria are apphed in the giving of priority to specific mformation; how mformation programmes аге made up, what is essential, what is the factor which determines that certain information is given priority and others аге rejected... It would be useful to саггу out some research in this direction. STANE GRAH editor-in-chief of TV Ljubljana information programme One of my coUeagues mentioned that the subject on the agenda todaj’ is an extremely sensitive one. I do not think that апу sensititivity is involved, but rather that the sensitivity lies in us and not in the subject matter... I think that it is correct that there is not enough cooperation amongst the studios - I am now speaking of the Information programme rather than of other programmes. We can see as much ourselves. Ljubljana' is also closed to a certain extent in the case of daily information-news programmes. I think that in the case of documentary and series programmes the number of exchanges is on the increase from уеаг to уеаг. This уеаг, the exchange level in television is the highest ever, but we do not succeed in achieving the same level in the case of the daUy mformation-news programme. We ■ Umit the actual exchange to an exchange of news on sessions, more protocol items of news and we etlso have our favourite subjects 1; tou rism or supplements concerning construction and mention only p>ositive affairs. Nowhere is there a critical relation towards the processes in the individual repubUcs. I think that these items of news or supplements, if some do reach the studio, place too great accent on material relations, on social relations today. This creates in these daUy information-news programmes the deep non-critical relation when speaking of aU other .republics. We are now preparing a plan to assure that in the future we behave differently... I think that something nev/ has been introduced into the exchange of daUy information-news programmes from the correspondent network. At the present each television centre, in accordance with its / posibihties, wants to have their own correspondents, fuU time, part time ог external. I do not think that this solution is bad but it cannot