RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

radio programme and its basic concept. This change of attitude should also have taken place in television on account of the press. A single global view of the matter is, however, lacking. Communication between press, radio and television is lacking. Each of them has become engaged in its own point of view to fmd its social role, although I consider that the social role of the mass media in the basic political positions is more ог less identical. In a social distribution of work, which ought to be the verification of far broader factors than in mutual relations, the following question requires discussion: What is the role of the information media today in the Yugoslav society within the self-management sociahst system and what does the internal distribution look hke? The only immanent characteristic in these relations is a false competitivity which in my opinion is more the result of some of our internal complexes than is justified from the social point of view. A rather provincial level of television information has come about in the propaganda function of television as a result of the search for the specific. It is frequently said that television information is »a window into the world«. In recent times, however, quite the contrary has occurred in the very context of the non-existence of a social distribution amongst the mass media. There is another reason for this, the mentality which is the result, I should say of a petit bourgeois and bourgeois view of television and an »entertainment box«. There has been the creation of a kind of hierarchy of values as the result of the consumer psychology and the consumer mentahty that there can be nothing of social importance if it is not on television. The valve has been opened for an improbable social pressure for »appearing on television«. This phenomenon of »appearing on television« is also interesting from a sociological point of view. According to whether the opening of a nursery or a village road is on the television, the heirarchy of values is immediately established which gives an event second-rate of different importance.. Just as the mechanical approach occurs on a Yugoslav level, so this < mechanical approach is noted within the repubhc and in the regional: aspect of matters: account must be taken of how the regions аге ' represented. This trend has led to television poUtical information being on a provincial level, which in the political sense of the word is evident in, the increase in the quantity of information from the parts of the republic to the detriment of information from other republics, from the Federation and from the world. I do not have the exact figures at my disposal but I would accept the bet in advance that there has not in апу of the Yugoslav station: been, for example, one single commentary speaking critically of : some positions of the given republic in dialogue on Federation level, f except perhaps in certain crisis moments when matters take on quit