RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

а different turn. Quite the reverse is true, there is frequently much non-critical agitation in information for the positions of the given republic on a matter which is rather particularist and not in order to seek joint solutions and the respecting of ones own specific nature but the respecting of the specific nature of аД. I therefore think that some critical remarks given here relating to mutual cooperation аге in some aspects over critical. I consider that cooperation amongst Yugoslav studios is reasonably good, that there exists an atmosphere of comradeship, a friendly rather than professional relationship. This cooperation is, however, not founded on this quite different ideological approach. The people involved in television are not responsible for this, for the guilt lies with the lack of a socially verified policy on some tasks facing the information media and therefore also television which is a member of this family of information systems. I would like to say something of the socialisation of the social function of television tmd television as a mass media but not from the point of view of some institutional forms such as programme councils, which I do not underestimate but neither do I overestimate. What is happening today with television is in my opinion pushing it towards a completely different concept of socialisation that television programme is not created exclusively by people employed in television but television programme ought to be the expression of all that is of the highest quality, and the most progressive which an environment can give in all aspects of social life. This means that the television programme should be open to the most highly qualified people form culture, art, politics, есопоту etc. Television should develop in that direction in order to become a public intermediary in information and in creativity in general, endeavouring thereby to demystificate the television profession. I mention this for I consider that in Yugoslavia here is much mystery surrounding television on account of its technologically specific nature and this is sometimes used as an excuse that it is difficult to open up television to the new. Within the Yugoslav journalistic structure there are papers which аге almost identical to governmental ministries. We have those which follow the есопоту, those which follow agriculture, culture etc. In a way we have built out own sectors and sometimes the criteria for some item of news being seen on the daily news programme is not a social criterion but rather the position of the jorunalist at work. These аге real facts to which we cannot close our eyes and I consider that this journalistic specialisation, which has been transferred from the press, is completely unsuitable tor television. Television should first and foremost develop organisers who аге capable of bringing the most highly qualified people and public workers on to the screen