RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, 01. 01. 1983., str. 128
problem that has arisen, ог merely on рарег at the chamber of commerce. In other countries there are various organizations and institutions financed by the industry which work for the national group: promohng the technical base, legal protection, awarding annual prizes, etc, There аге no legal provisions in the Yugoslav legislation protecting phonograph manufacturers (the initiative can only be expected to coroe from the manufacturers concerned) and since our countr is not a signatory to the appropriate convention it does not епјоу international legal protection either. The legal representative of the Yugoslav producers concerned invoked the provisions of the law on unfair competition to hait further production and sale of the pirate cassettes, which was legally possible. The cassettes produced had been registered with the German association for the protection of copyrights and the pirate-producer had thereby fulfilled his obligations. The original producer and performers were both done harm, but the former is not protected by law and the latter were a long way away. It was only after this that Yugoslav record and cassette producers became interested in the IFPI, an organization that had vainly been trying to get into contact with Yugoslav firms. The materials they sent, in foreign ianguages, usually ended up in the files because the foreign deparhnent staff were not acquainted with the matter while the legal department did not understand the language. The boom on the domeshc market did not a)low them апу hme to reflect on the possibility of damage on the foreign market Invitahons to attend expert meehngs were not considered at all, because ineffechve and inert SOKOJ - the copyright organizahon, was able to follow developments in this area only incidentally its primary concern being protechon of the rights of authors and the implementahon of internahonal treahes on copyright There is another pitfall for Yugoslav phonogram (records and cassettes) producers - their own performers.