Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Cheiron, 137, 191

Childbirth, goddess of, 214

Childlessness, a ground for separation, 68

Children, chastisement of, 507; exposure of, 37, 230, 288; festival for, 121 ; making water, 519; sale of, 37; at the theatre, 153; as tribute, 233, 496

Chilo of Sparta, 106

Chilonis, 275

Chios, nakedness in, 94

Chiton, 79; 80, 83, 84, I14, 501, dedicated to Artemis, 194

Chlamys, 79, 500

Chloe, 288

Chloris, 212

Chorus, in Dionysiac procession, II3; at the Thargelia, 120

Christianity, its part in the overthrow of culture, 296 f.; opposition to, 302

Chronos, 223

Chrysippus, and Laius, 134, 138, 458, 463, 477

Chrysis, the hetaira, 380

Cimon, incest of, 399, 516

Cinedi, 150, 174, 267, 488, 493 f., 500

Cinedic Poetry, 266 f., 488

Cinyras, incest of, 152

Cinyras of Cyprus, 202

Circe, 237, 364

Circumcision, 511

Cithzron, advises Zeus, 45

Citheron, female Dionysia at, 113

Cithara, 172, 174; players of the, 339

Cithareedi, 109

Clais, reputed daughter of Sappho, 318

Cleisthenes, of Sicyon, 164

Cleitophon, 303 f.

Cleitus, 209

Cleobulus, and Anacreon, 471 f.

Cleodemus, and the cupbearer, 170

Cleomachus, death of, 442, 459

Cleomachus of Magnesia, 267, 488

Climate, effect on dress, 78, 82

Clitoris, circumcision of, 511

Clothing, women’s, 79, 81-6; material of, 85 ; men’s, 78-81 ; of Olympic competitors, 108 ; interchange by the sexes, 124, 125, 128, 236, 500; in witchcraft, 379 ; transparent, 82, 85, 86, 155, 174, 407, 467

Clymenus, incest of, 152, 258

Clyteemnestra, 24, 72

Cnidian Aphrodite, the, 502

Cnidus, 177

Cnossus, fashions at, 81

Coan dresses, 85, 98

Cock, superstition concerning, 366

Co-education, 236

Colophon, debauchery at, Thargelia at, 120

Combabus, self-castration of, 509

Comedy, obscenities of, 139 ff.

Comic poets, on women, 71-7

Conception, charms to prevent, 365, 370

Concubine, 70, 352, 399 ; position of the, 32; taken on travels, 71, 178

Confetti-throwing, origin of, 112

“ Coquetry,”? no Greek word for,



Cordax (dance), 99, 165, 501

Corinna, the hetaira, 355

Corinth, temple of Aphrodite at, 87, 341, 388 f.; Aphrodisia at, 129; licentiousness of, 340; rape of boys at, 457

Corsets, 84

Corsica, the couvade in, 522

Cos, 66 n., 85, 123, 128, 167, 422, 475

Cosmetics, 71, 356, 406 ff.; male use of, 493

Costume, fancy, 112; see also Clothing

Cottabus (game), 352 n.

Cottina, the hetaira, 346

Cotytto, 141, 500; Dionysiac

mysteries in honour of, 218

Counter-charms, 367

Couvade, 124, 522

Crab, superstition concerning, 366; an aphrodisiac, 513

“ Cranes’ dance,” 233

Crates the Cynic (fl. c. 320 B.C.) ; on trial marriages, 68; and Phryne, 350

Crawfish, in witchcraft, 374

Crete, Hermes festival at, 131 ; cult of Cybele at, 215 ; labyrinth at, 233; pederasty in, 414, 456; see also AXgean civilization

Creusa, mother of Ion, 230

Critobulus, and Socrates, 454

Crocus, in witchcraft, 374

Cronos, 182

Ctesippus, 150 (and n.), 494

Cuckolds, 68

Cucumber, superstition cerning, 367

Cunaxa, battle of, 443
