Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Pollux, see Castor

Polyarchus, on hedonism, 16

Polycles (sculptor, fl. c. 370 B.C.), 126

Polycrates of Samos, 433, 471

Polydeukes, see Castor and Pollux

Polygamy, instances of, 70

Polygnotus, 177, 236

Polymela, and Odysseus, 256

Polyphemus, 270

Pomegranate, superstition cerning, 365

Pompeii, brothels at, 335, 3493 wall-paintings at, 127, 162, 212, 335, 520, 521

Pontus, cult of Anaitis in, 353 n.

Poppy, superstition concerning,



Pornoboskos, pornotelones, 334 Pornography, 306, 518

Poseidon, festival of, 129; part-

father of Orion, 211; and death of Actzon, 458; and Cenis, 227, Pasiphaé, 158, Pelops, 426, 473

‘‘Posthon,” as name for boy-

favourite, 416

Potiphar’s wife, parallel to, 509

Pots, Feast of, 113

Praxiteles, statue of Eros, 42, 349 f., 503; his “Satyr”, 17k 49; “* Aphrodite,” 177, 349, 502; ‘Apollo Sauroktonos,” 193

Pregnancy, concealment of, 85 ; superstitions concerning, 365 f.

Priam, 419 ; his concubines, 70

Priapus, 221 f., 224; as hermaphrodite, 127; gifts from hetaire, 356; images of, 501

Privities, 506; covering of the, 84n., 88, 108; reverence of Greeks for, 89; whipping of, 120; exhibition of, 367, 501 ; see also Sexual Organs.

Prize, at the Olympic Games, 104 ; at the Oschophoria, 117

Processions, at weddings, 45 ff. ;

at the Dionysia, 113; at the Hyacinthia, 114; at the Eleusinia, 116; the Phallus, 122 and n. Procne and Philomela, 229 Procurers, 33, 64, 178, 274, 358 £., 380 Preetus, and Bellerophon, 228 Promiscuity, among the

Tyrrhenians, 11 Promnestrie, 40 Proscenion, as hetaira-name, 409

Prose, erotic in (Classical Period),

247 ff., (Hellenistic Period), 274 ff., (Transitional Period), 279, (Last Period), 302 f.;

pederasty in, 488 ff.

Prostitutes, 327, 329 ff., 362; at the Aphrodisia, 129 ; earnings of, 277, 333) 346, 355, 381, 404 ; epitaphs, 400; haunts of, 338 ; at inns, 178; trade-mark, 338 ; scene between old and young, 143 ff.; male, 436 f£., 447, 453, 511; see also Hetaire

Prostitute-tax, 334, 453

Prostitution, 329 ff.; derivation of word, 336; religious, 124, 127, 196, 205, 353n., 388 f., 436; tax on, 453; for dowry, 390, 393; in Lydia, 31; male, 436 f., 447, 453

Protestants, and eroticism, 180

Psenobastis, the hetaira, 405

Psi, in sex symbolism, 506 n.

Psyche, 288

Ptochhelene, as hetaira-name, 409

Ptolemy I, and Thais, 344

Ptolemy II, 267, 485, 516

Ptolemy IV, 405

Ptolenzeum, the, at Athens, 92

Pudendum, superstitious exposure of, 367

Pumpkin, superstition concerning, 367

Puppets, superstitious use of, 371

Purification, religious, 116

Pyanepsia (festival), 117

Pyanepsion (month), 110, 116

Pygmalion, Pygmalionism, 502

Pylades, 478

Pyrallis, the hetaira, 382

Pyrethron, an aphrodisiac, 513

Pythia, festival of, 109

Pythias, the hetaira, 354

Pythionike, and Harpalus, 401 ; her tomb, 402

Rain, cause of, 519 Ram, expiatory, 130: Aphrodite, 208 Rape, marriage by, 43, 69, 134, 456n.; of boys, 134, 438, 446, 456 f. Raven, 366 Razors, superstition concerning, 367 Reed, Calamus changed to a, 467 Rejuvenescence, 234, 513, 514 Religion, and erotic, 180-237, 153, 503

sacred to

superstition concerning,
