Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Epinikia, see PINDAR

Epithalamium, Stesichorus’s on Helen, 47

Eraste, see PLATO

Eratosthenes, Against, see LYSIas


E;otic Conversations, see PROTAGORIDES

Erotica, see PARTHENIUS



Erroribus Profanorum, De, see Firmicus MATERNUS Etyvmologicum Magnum, 176 n.,

224, 331, 3570.

Eubulus (fl. 376 B.c.), 71, 139, 314n., 331, 3433 Garlands, The, 713 333; Pannychis, 332

Eunapius of Sardis (c. A.D. 346414), 310n.

Eunicus (f. Anteia, 343

Euphorion of Calchis (fl. 3rd cent. B.c.), 258; Apollodorus, 258 ; Hyacinthus, 258; The Thracians, 258

Eupolis (d. 411 B.C.), 12, 140, 314n., 519; Autolycus, 141, 422; Bapte, 141, 218; The Flatterers, 141

Euripides (480-406 B.C.), 71-3, 76, 133, 151, 152, 256, 286 ;


400 B.C.), 310;

travesties of, 266; ZEolus, T5l, 50705 Alcestis, 190; Andromache, 25, 30, 95N.;

Chrysippus, 138 ; Cyclops, 154, 165n.; Fragments, 40, 204, aon Helena, 229 N.; Hippolytus, 14, 28, 42, 63, 184, 309; Ion, 37, 230; Iphigenia in Aulis, 46; Medea, 234, 345, 5133; Phoenissae, 43, 46, 74.3 Troades, 29

Europa, see Moscuus

Eustathius (d. 1198), 83, 223, 331, 332

Evenus (?), 487


Fasti, see OvipD Favorinus (2nd cent. a.D.), 283,

492 Feast of the Lapithe, see LUCIAN Firmicus Maternus (fl. A.D. 340), De erroribus profanorum, 123, 190 Fishermen, The, see ANTIPHANES Flatterers, The, see EUPOLIS

Dealers in

Florilegium, see APULEIUS STOBZUS Frogs, The, see ARISTOPHANES

Funny Stories, see PROTAGORIDES

Galen (2nd cent. A.D.), De sanitate tuenda, 406 Garlands, the EuBULUS Gellius, Aulus (A.D. Noctes Attice, 224 Geoponica, see Bassus, CASSIANUS Glaucias of Tarentum (3rd cent. B.C.), 364

Goethe, J. W. von (1749-1832), 449; Achilleis, 417

Gorgias (fl. c. 470-380 B.C.), 33°

Gorgias, see PLATO

Greeks, History of the, see EPHORUS oF CYME

Gryllus, see PLUTARCH

Gubernatione Det, SALVIANUS

Dealers in, see


De, see

Hartmann, Karl R. E. von (18421906); Die Philosophie des Unbewussten, 307

Hedylus (fl. c. 250 B.C.), 260, 354

Helen, Epithalamy of, 53 ff.

Helena, see EURIPIDES

Heliodorus (? 3rd _ cent. ZEthiopica, 37, 169, 288

Hellanicus of Lesbos (fl. c. 430405 B.C.), 510

Heracleides of Cume, Persian harem, 10

Heracleides Ponticus (4th cent. B.C.), 9, 10, 63, 176, 509

Heracles, the Shield of, see HEs1oD

Heracles, the Struggles of, see DiotTimus

Hermasianax of Colophon (late 4th cent. B.c.), 256, 461 n.

Hermes, see PHILETAS OF Cos

Hermippus (fl. 430 B.C.), 100, 339,


on the


Herodorus (6th cent. B.c.), 70

Herodotus (c. 484— 425 B.C.), 247 5 Historie, i, 31, 88, 98, 108, 124, 388-91, 518; ii, 110, 124, 218, 403, 505, 513n.; iii, 496; iv, IOI}; Vv, 505, 5103 vi, 164, 175, 5103 Vill, 497

Heroides, see Ovi

Herondas (3rd cent. B.c.), 64, 274, 507; The Two Friends (Mim. vi), 315

Hesiod (8th cent. B.c.), 10, 26, 46, 125, 193, 241, 258, 463, 518 ; Melampodia, 241; Shield of