Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


451, 490 f., 502, 512; Asinus (Lucius, or the Ass), 158; Charidemus, 425; Dea Syria, 392, 507 f.; De Baccho, 99, 165; De Saltatione, 156, 157, 161, 163, 164, 233, 278, 460; Dialogues of the Dead, 425; Dialogui Deorum, 56, 58, 97; 169, 187, 216, 217, 225; Dialogui Meretrecii (Dialogues of Courtesans), 63, 316 and n., 341, 361, 376 f., 409, 428 n., 447; Epigrams, 514; Feast of the Lapithe, 167 n., 169; Lextphanes, 100, 314n., 352n., Nigrinus, 332; Peregrine, Death of, 314n.; Rhetorum preceptor, 331; Saturnalia, 169; Scytha, 426; Symposion, 81; Timon, 33; Toxaris, 63, 450

Lucilius (rst cent. A-D.), 357, 478

Lucius or the Ass, see LUCIAN

Lycophron (3rd cent. B.C.), 242, 331, 332

Lycophronem, TZETZES

Lycurgi, Comparatio cum Numa, see PLUTARCH

Lycurgus (c. 396-325 B.C.), 34, 37; 79; Leocrates, 29

Lysias (c. 440-380 B.C.), 14, 61, 438 ; Against Eratosthenes, 254 ; Alcibiades, 518n.; De bonis Aristophanes, 41

Lysis, see PLATO

Lysistrata, see ARISTOPHANES

Prol. ad., see

Machon (fl. 300-260 B.c.), 342; Chreie, 330, 342 Macedonius (6th cent. A.D.), 301,


Macrobius (fl. A.D. 390-425) Saturnalia, 124, 222

Mecius Quintus (?), 353

Maiden’s Complaint, The, 274 n.

Manetho (fl. 323-285 B.C.), 331

Marcus Argentarius (? 1st cent. A.D.), 277

Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 121-80), 279

Martial (a.D. 41-104), 318; Epigrams, i, 338; iii, 339; 1, 95; vi, I25n.; vii, 316n., 227n.3 X, 125n., 3270.5 Xi, 335, 451, 520; xiv, 84, 125 n., 126, 194 and n., 335, 336; Spectacula, 157

Materia Medica, see D10scORIDES

Maximus of Tyre (fl. c. A.D. 170-200), 282, 283, 325, 434, 460, 471, 472, 492

Medea, see EURIPIDES

Megacleides (?), 9

Melampodia, see HESIOD

Meleager of Gadara (fA. 60 B.C.), 260 f., 355, 421, 445, 480 f., 506

Melesermus, erotic letter writer, 293

Meliambi, see CERCIDAS

Memorabilia, see XENOPHON

Menechmi, see PLAUTUS

Menander (342-291 B.C.), 149, 152, 343, 359; Androgynos, 128; Fragments, 44, 723

Phanion, 343

Menexenus, see PLATO

Mercator, see PLAUTUS

Metamorphoses, see ANTONIUS LrsperaLis ; APULEIUS; OVID; PARTHENIUS

Miles Gloriosus, see PLAUTUS

Milesian Tales, The, 248

Mimnermus of Colophon (7th cent. B.C.), 242, 309 n.

Mirror of Women, see NAUMACHIUS

Moeris Atticista (fl. 2nd cent. A.D.), 37

Moralia, see PLUTARCH

Moschus (2nd cent. B.C.), 222, 225, 272; Europa, 272

Mostellaria, see PLAUTUS

Muszus (5th cent. A.D.), 298

Myrmidons, The, see AESCHYLUS

Nevius (c. 260-194 B.C.), 224

Nannion, see EUBULUS

Naumachius (? 2nd cent. A.D.), Mirror of Women, 298

Neaera, Speech against, 32, 33,

68, 399 Nero, see SUETONIUS Nicander (fl. 2nd cent. B.C.),

Theriaca, 212 Nicarchus (1st cent. B.c.), 260 Nicias (fl. 3rd cent. B.c.), 498 Nicolaus Damascenus (1st cent. A.D.), 247 Nicocles, see ISOCRATES Nigrinus, see LUCIAN Ninus, Romance of, 279 Noctes Attice, see GELLIUS Nonius Marcellus (fl. A.D. 300), 336 Nonnus (fl. c. 400 B.c.), Dionystaca, 21In., 218, 223, 310n., 465 Nostot, 237 Nymphis of Heracleia (fl. 240 B.c.), Voyage Round Asia, 404

Ovid (43 B.c—A.D. 18), 256; on Sappho, 326; Amores, 186, 309, 310 N., 312, 359, 379; Ars