The fourth dimension


and finally underneath this last the bottom layer of the last of our normal blocks.

Similarly we make the second representative group by taking the middle courses of our three blocks. The last is made by taking the three topmost layers. The three axes in our space before the transverse motion begins are blue, white, yellow, so we have light green tesseract faces, and after the motion begins sections transverse to the red light.

These three blocks represent the appearances as the tesseract group in its new position passes across our space. The cubes of contact in this case are those determinal by the three axes in our space, namely, the white, the yellow, the blue. Hence they are light green.

It follows from this that light green is the interior cube of the first block of representative cubic faces.

Practice in the manipulations described, with a realization in each case of the face or section which is in our space, is one of the best means of a thorough comprehension of the subject.

We have to learn how to get any part of these fourdimensional figures into space, so that we can look at them. We must first learn to swing a tesseract, and a group of tesseracts about in any way.

When these operations have been repeated and the method of arrangement of the set of blocks has become familiar, it is a good plan to rotate the axes of the normal cube 1 about a diagonal, and then repeat the whole series of turnings.

Thus, in the normal position, red goes up, white to the right, yellow away. Make white go up, yellow to the right, and red away. Learn the cube in this position by putting up the set of blocks of the normal cube, over and over again till it becomes as familiar to you as in the normal position. Then when this is learned, and the corre-