The great pyramid passages and chambers

PLATE CXXIV. bend, from which point it progresses in a straight line, and at a constant angle, to the south face of the Pyramid. The floor of the horizontal portion is level, but the roof is arched, both in its breadth from east to west, and in its length from north to south,—a most peculiar feature, and evidently, from every appearance, the original design of the

The entrance doorway of the King’s Chamber; showing the mouth of the north atr-channel to the left.

builders. The side walls, where they join the floor, though straight in their length, do not rise at right-angles, but incline outward and upward for about two feet, after which they curve inward in the shape of a dome as already indicated. The result is, that although the floor of the channel is only a few inches wide, there is sufficient space between the walls higher up, and enough height between the floor and the arched roof, to allow one to creep in on hands and knees. I crept in (holding a lighted candle in