The great pyramid passages and chambers



Pyramid of Gizeh in the land of Egypt, that ‘‘ Miracle in Stone,” as Dr. Seiss

has named it, sets forth the plan of salvation presented in God's Holy Word, it will be necessary, in order to a proper appreciation of the subject, that the reader should acquaint himself with at least the outlines of that plan; but the more complete his knowledge of the plan, the more his appreciation of the Great Pyramid will increase, and sooner or later he will find himself fully convinced that the Architect of this marvellous structure could have been none other than God himself, and that it is indeed the Lord's “Stone Witness” in the land of Egypt. Then the wonder which may have been evoked in him by its immense proportions, the marvellous skill displayed in its construction, its great antiquity and quality of endurance, and the many scientific features which it embodies, will give place to a new wonder inspired by reverence for the infinite wisdom of God, when he reflects how the great Architect, by a few simple Passages and Chambers, could portray in it the whole of his plan of salvation, not merely the symbolical features of that plan nor the various dispensations into which it is divided, but even also all the important time-features marked off in the outworking of it.

28 Many have ignorantly misjudged the wisdom of God, and thought that he has had no definite, pre-arranged plan, but that he has been relying on the puny efforts of a few well-intentioned men to accomplish the great task of bringing the world into harmony with him and his law of righteousness. Accordingly, the message of the Gospel has been carried hither and thither from individual to individual, and from nation to nation, with the result that now, at the end of this age, nearly nineteen centuries after the death and resurrection of Christ, it has been preached for a witness to every nation. In spite, however, of the strenuous efforts put forth, and the untold wealth spent in the propagation of the Gospel message, and even though at least some portions of the Scriptures have been printed in every language, it is recognized that the number of converts to Christianity has been small indeed compared to the vast majority who have died in heathen darkness. It has been estimated that there are “ 856,000,000 people in Pagan lands; a generation passes away in 33 years; divide this by 365, we get the death rate per day 71,066” (Extract from a Missionary Magazine). This means that every day more than 71,000 men, women and children are dying without


AS the object of Great Pyramid Passages is to show how clearly the Great