The great pyramid passages and chambers

PLATE CLXIII. ventured to dissuade him from entertaining the thought of removing the Plug blocks, as we believe we have good grounds for the opinion that the Granite Plug was intended for a very different purpose than that of concealing a passage, and that it was firmly fixed in its present position to stay !

591 In any case, Mr. Covington’s theory will not hold, for an examination of the sectional drawing of the Trial Passages (Plate CXXXVIII) shows that the lower opening of the vertical shaft is situated at the point of intersection of the roofs of the inclined passages, and not at that part of the ascending passage which corresponds to the position occupied by the Granite Plug in the First Ascending Passage of the Great Pyramid.

592 Wedonot share the opinion held by some that there are chambers and passages in the Great Pyramid other than those with which we are already familiar. The present passage and chamber system of this wonderful Stone Witness so completely and beautifully meets all the symbolical requirements of our heavenly Father’s great plan of the Ages, that it would be difficult to imagine how any of the features of that plan could be further or better symbolized by the addition of a single passage or chamber.

The north atr-channel of the Queen’s Chamber ; showing part of the five-inch-thickness of once concealing stone.

593 The air-channels of the Queen's Chamber are very interesting. Their existence was not known till so recently as 1872 A.D., exactly six thousand years after the creation of Adam, according to Bible chronology. Scratched on the walls above them we read the words: ‘ Opened, 1872.” In Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid, Professor C, Piazzi Smyth relates how Mr. Waynman Dixon, perceiving a crack in the south wall of the chamber, which allowed him at one place to push in a wire “to a most unconscionable length,” set his man, Bill Grundy, to apply his chisel, with the result that before long the tool went right through into a cavity beyond. Further excavating proved the cavity to be the inner end of a neatly squared air-channel! Proceeding to the opposite wall, Mr. Dixon discovered a second channel similar to the first. The builders had actually constructed two air-channels for the Queen's Chamber, but had not carried them through into the chamber itself! They had left the last five inches