The great pyramid passages and chambers

Exfoliation, 317, 468, 581. Ezra., 38.

Faid, Abdul Maujud (See Judah), 263. Abdul Salam, 256, 425, 506, 598. Abraheem (See Reis).

Hassan, 256.

Faith, Christ's day seen with the

eye of, 163.

condition of those who have, 187.

doubts evidence lack of, 188.

foundation of, symbolized by floor of Gr. Gallery, 207.

in the ransom-sacrifice, 182.

justified by, 178-198, p. 91.

strength as a result of, 185.

the death of those who have, 192.

the just shall live by, 167.

the righteousness of, 153.

the way to life and immortality, 124.

to move mountains, 208.

very few exercise saving, 183.

Faithful class, 62, 71.

Fall of mankind, 147, 502.

Fast, Mr., 361, 416.

Father (of Edgar family), 366.

Fayoum, 234.

Feralli (See cook).

Ferguson, Prof. Alex., 214, 234, 256,

264, 326. Morton calls on, 220. shown through Gt. Pyr., 581. Fire of God's jealousy, 159. First Ascending Passage, blocked by Granite Plug, 91, 123. cutting footholds in, 257, 328. dates in Jewish Disp. indicated by Girdles in, 462. description of masonry of, 460-470. direction of ascent, 100, 161. discovery of existence of, 97, 98, 313. Jesus’ birth indicated in, 126, 127. leads to Gr. Gallery, 180. measuring in, 429, 460. method of access to, 328. size of bore of, 101. symbolises Law Covenant, 123, 201. symbolizes Law Disp., 119, 160170, 581, pp. 80, 81. Well-mouth a cause of stumbling to one who emerges from, 183. Fissure, in :Desc. Pass., 311, 570. little south pass. leading from Subt. Ch., 305. Recess, 303. rock in front of Gt. Pyr., 228. Well-shaft, 570. Flashlight, 308, 480, 495, 593. Flesh, and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom, 195. given by Jesus Christ for the life of the world, 54. no man hates his own, 187,


Floor of :—

Ante-Ch,, 191,193, 194, 475, 476,487.

Desc. Pass., 90, 91, 106, 160, 243, 282, 287, 332, 337.

First Ascen. Pass., 106, 166, 257, 332, 431.

Gr. Gallery, 102-105, 185, 186, 204, 207, 579-581.

Grotto, 541.

Hor. Pass. to Queen's Ch., 102, 579, 585, note p. 65.

in Gt. Pyr., very slippery, 279.

King’s Ch., 195, 487, 492, 498, 599.

little pass. leading from Gr. Gallery

to Well-shaft, 537, 538. little south pass. leading Subt. Ch., 305. lowermost Ch. of Constr., 110. Queen’s Ch. produced to floor of First Ascen. Pass., 126. Small Hor. Pass. to Subt. Ch., 291, 302.

Subt. Ch., 93, 145, 294-296, 302. Focussing in interior of Gt. Pyr. 496. Fools, 150, 508.

Footholds, cutting, in floor of First Ascen, Pass., 329.

in Al Mamoun’s cavity, 100, 328.

in Well-shaft, 539, 565.

necessary to make use of, when

traversing passages, 278, 581.

on floor of Desc. Pass., 282.

on floor of First Ascen. Pass., 581.

on floor of Gr. Gallery, 580, 581.

on upper surface of East Ramp in

Gr. Gallery, 105, 109, 329. Footpath, 339, 340. Foundation-stone (Head-stone),

none for counterfeit Pyr., 83.

of Antitypical Pyr., 72.

socket, 82.

French, Revolution, 304.

savants, 82, 545, Fruit, 368.


Gabri (See Ali Gabri). Garden of Eden, 32, 42. Gate, Damascus, 363. Dung, 395. Jaffa, 361. St. Stephen's, 373. Zion, 423. Gehenna, 122, 396. Gentiles, aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, 182. a people for his name taken out of the, 158, 182. Jerusalem trodden down of the, 155, 452. more degraded than the Jews, 165. not born under the Law, 182. pass by the ransom-sacrifice symbolized by the Well, 183. permitted to rule the world, 156, Times of the, 155, 157. unaware that a time of humiliation awaits them, 175.

Geographical position of Gt. Pyr. and Bethlehem, note p. 199.

German Emperor, 360, 361.

Gethsemane, Garden of, 372, 446.

Girdles, 461-468.

mark important dates in the Law Disp., 462.

Glasgow, 215, 264, 600.

Glasses, coloured, 350, 376.

Goat Class, 68-70.

God, This is our, 453.

Gold, 135, 156.

Gospel Age, 43, 70, 71, 83, 182.

Disp., 127, 167, 184. message, witnessed to world, 28.

Grace of God, condition of those who

lose the, 188. symbolized by Ramps in the Gr. Gallery, 185, 187, 204, 205.

Grace, Edgar, 262, 330, 341, 350, 572, 582.

Grand Gallery, 575-581.

description of, 103-107, 168, 178. direction of ascent of, 101. grooves on side walls of, 576-578. litup by magnesium wire, 103, 277. small pass. to Ch. of Constr., from south-east top corner of, 109-112. sole purpose of, 188. symbolizes condition of those justified by faith, 178-198, p. 91. symbolizes Disp. of Grace, 119, 581. symbolizes liberty, 168. symbolism of side overlappings of, 206-209. symbolizes the High-Calling, 199209, p. 96.

Granite, block below entrance of First Ascen. Pass., 91, 237, 243, 287, 318, 328, 331, 554.

block in Desc. Pass., 554-556. block in Grotto, 553, 558-560. block in Recess, 303, 557, 572. block in Well-shaft, 558.

blocks stopping up abandoned

Entrance pass. in 3rd Pyr. of, 253.

casing-stones of Pyr. of Abu Roash of, 254.

casing-stones of 2nd Pyr. of, 248.

casing-stones of 3rd Pyr. of, 254,255.

ceiling of King’s Ch. of, 108, 114, 115.

chamber in 3rd Pyr. lined with, 253.

floor-stone in Ante-Ch. of, 193, 194, 476.

pavement of 3rd Pyr. of, 255.

sarcophagi of, 507.

symbolizes things Divine, 135, 191.

Granite Leaf, 107, 479, 561.

received name from Prof. Greaves, 484.

side rebates and Boss on the, 489490. space of twenty-one inches in front

of, 190, 475, 477.