The great pyramid passages and chambers

Granite Leaf (continued), symbolism of, 191-193, 491. the wainscot grooves which hold the, 482, 485, 562. thickness of, 489. thought to be a portcullis, 483-488. Granite Plug, lower butt-end of, 91, 331, 332. method of passing round the, 164, 238. space in front of, formerly occupied by limestone block, 96, 97. symbolizes Divine Law, 123, 162. too tightly fitted to be removed, 98, 590. upper end of, 333, 334. Grave-stones, 399, 404. Greaves, Prof., 338, 484. Grooves, in :Ante-Ch. south wall, 492. Ante-Ch. wainscots, 482, 483, 487, 489, 561, 562. Gr. Gallery side walls, 576-578. Grotto, 116, 327, 540, 541, 546, 550553, 558-560. Guides, 106, 109, 283, 325, 436, 600.

Hades (death-state), Jesus raised from, 125, 169. Jewish nation passed into, 170. symbolized by Well, 118, 169, p. 90. symbolized in Tombs of the Kings, 407-409. Hairs from the beard of Mohammed, 449, Hall, Mr., 270, 392, 456. Harvest, in Egypt, 219, 548. symbolical, 61-70. Head-stone of Gt. Pyr., distance above King’s Ch., 114. great rejoicing when placed in position, 81, none for counterfeit Pyr., 83. Scriptural references to, pp. 43,44. symbolizes Christ, 55, 81, 149, 275, 383. symbolizes the sun, 23. Zechariah’s reference to a headstone, 400, 401. Heathen, 28, 415. Heaven symbolized by King's Ch., 23, 121, 138, 140-142, 178, 185, 195, p. 93. Height of Gt. Pyr., 15, 22. Herodotus, 3, 4, 75, 228, 297, 298. Heiroglyphics (See Quarry-marks), 108, 117, 513. High-calling, of Jesus, began at his baptism, 200. requirements of those who would accept the, 191. symbolized by Gr. Gallery, 178, 182, 199. Hill, of Evil Counsel, 397, 398. to the south of Gizeh Pyrs., 521. Hinnom, V. of, 360, 396, 397, 421. Hipparchus, 24.


Holy of Holies, 385, 447, p- 93. Hope, of the world wrecked, 175.

toward God, 65, 172.

Horizontal Passage (See Small Horizontal Passage, and Well),

to Queen’s Chamber, 582-587.

direction and position of, 102.

divided into two parts, 171, 587.

drop in floor of, 102, 171, 174, 585.

fatiguing to walk in, 587.

masonry of, 583, 584.

symbolizes seven thousand years

of world’s training, 171-176, 184, p. 83.

to Ante-Chamber, 107, 186, 191, 474.

to King’s Chamber, 195, 474. Hospital, London Jewish Mission,

365, 374. Hotel, Bristol, 246.

Du Pare, 354.

Fast’s, 360, 415.

Hughes’, 415.

Mena House, 245, 256, 336, 472. Houses of Jews in V. of Hinnom, 396. Human Nature (See Planes),

Adam created on Plane of, 48.

may be attained by Jewish na-

tion, 181. progress toward, symbolized by Hor. Pass. to Queen's Ch., 172. reckoned dead by God, when presented in sacrifice, 193. reckoned to those who are justified by faith, 178.

restored to world, 70, 141-143.

sacrificed by Jesus, 53, 54, 138, 139.

to be attained by Ancient Worthies,

52, 163. Huts, 510. Hyksos, 4, 75.

Idol, 232, 233, 243. Idolatrous, 398, 509, 518. Image, Nebuchadnezzar's, 156. Immortality, 131, 133. brought to light, 121. symbolized by King’s Ch.,136, p.71 Well-shaft symbolizes the way to, 24, 169, 183. Inch, British, 19. Pyramid, 19, 490. symbolizes a day, 23. symbolizes a year, 25, 118, 127. Tnset-stones, 311, 462-465. Iron, 156, note p. 250. Isaac, 35, 41, 56, 372. Antitypical, 57. Israel, 35. Israelites, condition symbolized by First Ascen. Pass., 163. faithful, Israelites indeed, 166-168. how they regarded their Law Covenant, 123. Jesus sacrificed on their behalf,169. standing with God firm and sure, 160. typically justified, 123, 163.

Jack, 214, 330, 411, 425-427, 442, 572. Jacob, 35. Jaffa, walk round, 352-358. leaving Port Said for, 350. leaving, for Jerusalem, 359. leaving, on return journey to Pyrs. (Morton and Jack), 391, 410. leaving Jerusalem for, (John), 465. leaving, for Pyrs. (John), 465. Jamal, Anis, 354, 362, 376. well-known in Jerusalem, 371, James’ Tomb, 399. Jar, water, 258. Jehoshaphat, V. of, 372, 398-404, 422, 446, 449, 454, Jerome, 380. Jerusalem, air fresh in, 443. ancient city wall of, 421. built by Hyksos, 4. cast off by Jesus, 452. destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, 38. distance from Jaffa to, by railway, 359. European part of, 360. height above sea level, 359. Jewish quarter of, 423. lecture by John in, 451, 455. population of, 364, 444. railway terminus at, 360, 454. restored by Nehemiah, 39, 157. result of visit to, 409. ride round, 396. streets of, 364, 423. trodden down of the Gentiles, 155, 452. views of, 452, 454. walk through centre of, to law courts, 370, 371. Jesus, able to save to the uttermost, 203. birth indicated by north wall of Gr. Gallery, 118. birth indicated in First Ascen. Pass., 126, 127, 167. birth, traditional site of, 379. born on Plane of Human Perfection, 126. born under the Law, 126, 182. called with High-Calling at his baptism, 200. came to his own, 180. gave up his life willingly, 125, 189. resurrection and the life, 453. tomb of, 446. wept over Jerusalem, 452. years of life on earth, 118, 127, 167. Jewish Nation, beginning of, 35, cast off by Jesus, 452. concluded in unbelief, 181, delivered from Egypt, 36. destroyed as a kingdom, 38, 155. destroyed as a nation, 78, 157, 170. favour removed from, 41. few received Christ by faith, 181. lead through various experiences, 154-157.