The great pyramid passages and chambers

Magnesium, 103, 277, 493-495.

Malaria, 427.

Malta, 268.

Mamelukes, 252.

Mamoun (See Al Mamonn).

Manasseh, king, 398.

Manetho, 4, 6.

Mariette, M., 505, 507.

Martaban, S.S., 221, 600.

Mary and Martha, 453.

Maspero, M., 91, 220, 239, 264, 280,


Measuring, Desc. Pass., 285-288. First Ascen. Pass., 429, 460-470. -rods, 278, 279, 597.

Small Hor. Pass., 302.

-tape, 285-287, 305, 582.

Well-shaft, 539, 567, 569. Meek, 189, 277.

Mediterranean Sea, 266.

Melchizedec, 5.

Members of Christ's Body, 43, 44.

Menzies, Mr. Robert, 118, 120.

Messiah, 39, 157, 167, 182.

Meter, French, 20.

Milk, 326, 368, 374, 424, 457.

Milky-Way, 281. -

Millennial Age, 64-70, 171, the proud to be abased in the, 176.

Mind of Christ, 194.

Minna Edgar, 210.

Mist, 474.

Mitchell, Mr., 13.

Models of Temples, 418, 447.

Mohammed, 448, 449,

Mohammedans, 438, 448, 449.

Mokattam Hills, 113, 245, 335.

Moloch, worship of, 398.

Mortality, 131.

Mosque of Al Aksa, 450 Omar, 372, 447-449.

Mosquitos, 246, 256, 369, 443.


Moriah, 56, 372, 417, 422, 447.

Offence, 398.

Olives, 372, 405, 452.

Scopus, 454.

Zion, 360, 395, 422. Mountains of Judza, 456. Mouth of Well (See Well). Mummy, none in Gt. Pyr., 108. Museum, British, 113, 253,

Cairo, 220, 263, 505, 509. Mystery, five granite blocks in Gt.

Pyr. a, 560-563. lower end of Well a, 546. of God's Plan revealed, 40.

Names, on masonry of Gt. Pyr., 499. Napoleon, 545.

Nebuchadnezzar, 38, 155, 156. Nehemiah, 39, 157,

Newspapers, 433.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 19.

Niche in Queen’s Ch., 588, 589. Night, 247, 309, 336, 472.

Noah, 33.


North wall of Gr. Gallery, 107. indicates date of birth of Christ, 118. indicates date of death of Christ, 127. Norton, Capt., 260. Notches (See Footholds). Nurse, 374.

Olive trees, 446. Orient Commerce Co., 354, 359. Overlappings on walls of Gr. Gallery, 103, 107, 576. their symbolism, 206-209. Owls, 347.

Palestine, 330, 341, 350. soil of, 457.

Parable, 371.

Paradise, 70, 449.

Patriarchal Age, 34

Paul, 268.

Pavement, in Temple Area, Jerusalem, 417.

of Gt. Pyr., 227, 338.

of 2nd Pyr., 228

of 3rd Pyr., 255.

on east side of Gt. Pyr., 518.

Pentecost, 167, 200.

Perring, Mr., 296, 297, 483,

Perspective, 332, 525, 575.

Petrie, Prof. Flinders, (See Quoted), 7, 99, 115, 213, 237, 243, 248, 254, 275, 291, 295, 298, 301, 312, 313, 317, 319, 343, 349, 500, 519, 532, 547, 549, 552, 561-563, 578, 589.

Mr. William, 22,

Petroleum, 369.

Philition, 4.

Photographs, 276, 471, 493, 506, 593.

cannot convey a true idea of proportion, 276, 332.

developing, 279, 280, 331, 341.

method of taking flashlight, 278, 495.

taken in confined places, 477, 478.

Pi (Greek letter 7), 18.

Pilasters in Ante-Ch., 482.

Pit (See Subterannean Chamber).

Planes of relationship to God, 47, 58, 134, 177, 198.

condemnation, 182.

human depravity, 48, 164.

human perfection, 48, 52, 53, 121, 126, 140-143, p. 71.

justification, 182.

spirit-begetting, 54, 57, 178, 191, 193, 194.

spirit-birth, or immortality, 54, 121, 141, 142, 178, 195.

Plateau, Pyramid, 12.

Platform, below casing-stones of Gt. Pyr., 227, 274.

Pliny, 547.

Plumbing, in Gt. Pyr., 332, 539, 567, 569.

Pointers in First Ascen. Pass., 462465. Point of Intersection, 332.

Pope, 158, 191.

Portcullis, supposed to occupy grooves in Ante-Ch., 483-488, 561.

of 2nd Pyr., 501.

Porter, 356, 411, 423. Port Said, Grace’s and Jack's arrival, 341, 351, 352, John’s and Stanley's arrival, 268. leaving Pyrs. for, and home, 573. Morton’s arrival, 216. Morton’s and Jack’s passing through en route for Pyrs., 410. Post Office, 412. Power used by Egyptians, 501. Prayer, 438. Precession of the Equinoxes, 24, 25. Present Evil World, 122, 149, 152, 304. to be destroyed, 159, p. 76. symbolized by Egypt, 160, 383, 4575 Printing, 159. Promise, exceeding great and precious, 170, 205, 207. holy spirit of, 194. made to Abraham's seed, 41. Proportion, 276, 279, 525. Pyramid, Antitypical, 56, 72, 76, 81. Antitypical counterfeit, 83. a symbol of perfection, 46. geometrical definition of a, 402. Pyramid, Great, architect of, 27, 389. builders of, 4-6, 75. builders of other Pyrs. unaware of upper system of, 514. casing-stones of, removed, 99, 230. casing-stones of, stripped off by caliphs, 84. could not be built by modern builders, 503. date of building, 98. did not possess a temple like other Pyrs., 518. exactly oriented, 13. first to be built, 75, 401-403, 514. forcibly entered, 96-98. fulfils Isaiah XTX., 13. God's stone witness, 528. great rejoicing when completed, 81. halo of light round lofty summit of, 281, indicates length of Precession of the Equinoxes, 25. measurements of day and year in, 21523; meridian of, 14. Messianic, 8. method of building, 74. methods of comprehending proportions of, 524, 525, 527. now dilapidated, 84.