The great pyramid passages and chambers

Jewish Nation (continued), less degraded than Gentiles, 165. lifted above other nations, 48, 164. lost privilege of High-Calling, 182, reformation period of, 157. rejected offer of High-Calling, 170. separated from other nations, 153. special advantages of, 49. Jews, cemeteries of, 399. houses of, in V. of Hinnom, 396. not allowed to attend Christian gatherings, 420. not allowed into Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 362. not venture within Temple Area, 447. population of, in Jerusalem, 364, 444

wailins-place of, 394. Job, refers to Gt. Pyr., 82. John the Baptist, 52, 200. John Edgar, arrives in Egypt, 261, 265. at bottom of Well-shaft, 431. drives to Bethlehem, 376. impressed by magnitude of Gt. Pyr., 262. in Gr. Gallery, 581. in Hor, Pass. to Queen's Ch., 582, 587. in King’s and Ante-Chs,, 599. in Well-shaft, 568. lectures in Jerusalem, 451, 455. notes from, 330, 350, 390, 600. sad at leaving Pyrs., 599. sicknesses of, 326, 365, 368. visit to Trial Passages, 520. Joints of :casing stones of Gt. Pyr., 85, 86, 260, 274, 338, 594. casing stones of 3rd Pyr., 255. Entrance Pass. of Gt. Pyr., 338. Entrance Pass, of 2nd Pyr., 250. First Ascen. Pass., 460-469. Bor. Pass. to Queen’s Ch., 584. pavement and platform of Gt. Pyr., 227, 338. Queen's Ch., 596. Well-shaft, 542. Jones, Wordsworth E., 206. Jordan, V. of 457. Judah, accompanies Morton to 2nd Pyr., 248. asked to pull out worm at lower end of Desc. Pass., 293. at Entrance of Gt. Pyr., 597. brushes down First Ascen. Pass. 430. descends Well-shaft for rope, 539. dislikes Pit., 324. farewell to, 600. fastens rope-ladder to iron pin ix Well-shaft, 529. instructed to clear out debris from Desc, Pass., 236-239. instructed to clear out dust from corners of Desc. Pass., 285, 288.


Judah (continued), meets Morton and Jack at Cairo, 411, 412. photographed, 335. proper name, 263. recommends removal into new tents, 256, sent for electric-light bag, 341, sent for candles, 566. struck on face by bat, 309, Judas, 389. Justified, by faith, 180. cannot present body a living sacrifice unless, 192. not through the Law, 153, 162. not through Works, 182. symbolized by Gr. Gallery, p. 91. Justification by faith. Jews received first offer of, 179. not the result of Works, 124. purpose of, 188. symbolized by Gr. Gallery, 121, 178-198, pp. 91, 96. when complete, 191. Justinian, Emperor, 450.

Kedron (see Jehoshaphat). King’s Chamber, air-channels of, 141, 142, 342-348. entrance into 195, 196, 498. excavation under Coffer in, 498, 599. floor of, 487, 492, 498. granite ceilings of, 108, 114, 115. height above socket level, 25. inclination to south-west, 115. made of granite, 108, 493. mouth of south air-channel of, 497, planned before erection, 74. position in Pyr., 108. size of, 23, 108. symbolizes Holy of Holies, heaven, 178, 185, 195, 385, p. 93. symbolizes immortality or the Divine Nature, 121, 136, 140, 141, p. 71. temperature in, 322. thought by Col. Howard Vyse to have served as a sepulchre, 483. Khamseens, 322. Khufu, 401.

Ladder, 110, 327, 529, 566, 568, 597. Lamb slain, 173. Lamp, the Word of God, 166, 204. Language, pure, 159. Law, Covenant, made nothing perfect, 163, 167. nailed to the cross, 167, 180, 181. schoolmaster, 180. symbolized by First Ascen. Pass., 123, 181, 160-170, p. SO. yoke of the, 166. Divine, Dispensation ended, 127. engraved on tables of stone, 153.

Law (continued), gradually obliterated from man's nature, 152. how regarded by Israelites, 123. symbolised by Granite Plug, 123, 162. two men only capable of keeping the, 125. written in man’s nature, 150. Heredity, 32, Lecture in Jerusalem, by John, 451, 455% arranging for, 270, 393, 414-416. Ledge in Al Mamoun’s cavity, 328. Lens, 478, 496. Level, 226, 338. Liberty, of the children of God, 173. of Grace rejected by majority of Jews, 191. symbolized by Gr, Gallery, 168, 180, 201. Libyan Desert, 437. Life, Adam's, 132. brought to light by Jesus, 121. crown of, 197. from the dead, 49. Jesus, the appointed way to, 180. Jesus’, on earth, 118, 127, 167. Jews judged themselves unworthy of, 182. laid down by Jesus, 189. reward of those who, for Christ's sake, lose their, 191. way to, symbolized by Well, 124, 169, 183. whosoever will save his, shall lose his, 188. Light, down Desc. Pass., 146, 318. the True, 166. Limestone, angle-blocks above Entrance of Gt. Pyr., 229, 527. block on Desc. Pass. floor, 91, 247, 287, 328, 331. boulders on mountains of Palestine, 456. casing-stones of Gt. Pyr., 85, 245. chambers of constr., 114, foundations of temples of 2nd and 3rd Pyrs., 249. Gr. Gallery entirely of, 179. hard, on Desc. Pass. floor, 91, 160. passage to Ante-Ch. entirely of, 191. Queen's Ch. entirely of, 136. roof block concealing entrance of First Ascen. Pass., 96, 97, 313, 332. step at head of Gr, Gallery, 194. symbolizes things human, 135, 136, Little Flock, 183. Living-stones, 71, 75, 80, 87, 387. Locke, Mr., 217. Lot, 34. Love, 87, 189, 275. symbolized in Gr. Gallery, 206-209" Lunch, 310, 321, 598,

Mackeague, Capt. John, note p. 199.