The great pyramid passages and chambers

48 The small pyramid at the beginning of the First Dispensation represents Adam as he was created on the plane of human perfection, and therefore at peace with God. He would have remained in this condition had he continued obedient to his Creator, but through disobedience he fell to the plane of human depravity or imperfection represented by the lowest horizontal line on the chart. On this plane all his posterity have been born, for by the law of heredity, they share the curse. They are indicated by the two large but imperfect pyramids shown on this lowermost line, one in the First Dispensation, representing the ‘ world of the ungodly" before the Flood (2 Pet. 2: 5), and the other in the Second Dispensation, representing “this present evil world *— Gal. 1:4, The small imperfect pyramid on the short line between the latter and the line of human perfection, represents the Jewish nation during the period of their favour with God, lifted measurably above the other nations through the yearly atonement for their sins by the sacrifices of bulls and goats; but only typically, not really justified in God's sight, ‘for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins "—Lev. 16: 34; Heb. 10: 4. That is why the figure is not a perfect pyramid, and why it is placed below the plane of human perfection. The whole Jewish economy was instituted to serve as types and shadows of better things to come, and could not justify those who were under it, neither reckonedly nor actually, for “ by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified "Heb. 10: 1 ; Col. 2: 16,17; 1 Cor. 10:11: Gal. 2: 16.

49 It may be asked, What advantage then had the Jew? The Apostle answers, ‘Much every way: chiefly, because unto them were committed the oracles of God.” To them, God sent his prophets and finally his Son “born under the law.” It was in harmony with this that Jesus, when sending out his twelve disciples, commanded them, saying, “Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel '—Matt. 10: Sy Wileke [Jesus] came unto his own [people], but his own received him not ’—John 1: 11. They “denied the Holy One and the Just . . . and killed the Prince of life’ Acts 3: 14 s15: In consequence, they were cast off as a nation from the favour of God, and Jesus after his resurrection withdrew his former restriction, and told his disciples to go to all nations—Matt. 28:19. The first Gentile convert was Cornelius—Acts 10. The Scriptures assure us, however, that the Jews are still beloved for their fathers’ sake, and that they will in due time be restored to God's favour, and be the first to benefit under the New Covenant in the Millennial Age. As the Apostle says: “ Blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in [the full number selected to become the Bride of Christ], and so all Israel shall be saved [from their blindness ], for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead ?'—Rom. 11: 25, 26, 15.

50 But though all the obedient of them will occupy an exalted position in the Millennial Kingdom, they will find in consequence of their rejection of Christ, that they have missed the chief honour. They will be raised to the earthly phase of the Kingdom, whereas the remnant of the Jews, and all the Gentiles who have believed in and followed Christ, will be raised to reign with him in the spiritual phase of the Kingdom.

51 The second little pyramid on the plane of human perfection represents Abraham who was accounted righteous in God's sight because of his faith. Similarly, all who