The great pyramid passages and chambers

66 In that Millennial day, because of the greatness of the Lord’s power in favour of the righteous and against the wicked, some of the Lord’s enemies finding that it will pay them better to be at least outwardly righteous, will ‘‘yield feigned obedience” to him—Psa. 72: 7; 66:3, margin. But most of the people will be willing in the day of his power (Psa. 110:3); they will soon recognize that the Lord's judgments are for their benefit; and ultimately all nations which God has made will come and worship before him, and will glorify his name—Psa. 86:9. The majority will eventually love him and his righteous laws ; and “the Lord preserveth all them that love him ’’—Psa. 145): 20:

67 On the other hand, should any persist in evil-doing in spite of the Lord's goodness to them, they will be destroyed from among the people. But all, even the most incorrigible, will get at least a hundred years’ trial. In Isa. 65: 20, we read: ‘t There shall no more come thence an infant of few days, nor an old man that shall not have the full length of his days; as a lad shall one die a hundred years old; and as a sinner shall be accursed he who dieth at a hundred years old’’—Leeser's translation. All those who obey the Lord, whether with feigned love or unfeigned love, will live right on to the end of the thousand years; and then, as we are told in Rev. 20: 7, 8, ‘‘ when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations.” This will be the final test which will make manifest those who are in heart-harmony with the righteous Judge. Those who have yielded only feigned obedience will no doubt see some means by which they will hope to gain more by submitting to Satan’s suggestions than by loyalty to the Lord, and thus their sympathy with sin will be manifested ; the fact that they are not in heart-harmony with the Lord will be demonstrated to all. Such will be cut off in the second death as unworthy of a place in the Lord’s glorious Kingdom: “ for the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it; but the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it ''—Prov. 2: 21,22. Satan and all the other evil angels will likewise be destroyed—Heb. 2: 14; Rev. 21: 8.

68 There was a “ Harvest” period at the end of the Jewish Age when the “ wheat” was gathered to the Lord, and the ‘chaff’ was burned in the great * fire of trouble” which, by the year 70 A.D., culminated in the destruction of the nation of Israel—Luke 3: 16,17; John 4: 38; 1: 11-13,— Wilson's Emphatic Diaglott. At the present time, at the end of this Gospel Age, we have entered into a similar Harvest period when the “ wheat” and “tares,”” which were allowed to grow together until the time of the Harvest, are being separated—the “ wheat’ to be gathered into the Lord's garner, and the “tares" to be bound in bundles and burned in the great fire of trouble which will, by the year 1914-1915 A.D., culminate in the destruction of Christendom—Matt. 13: 24-30, 34-43. Similarly, at the end of the Millennial Age there will be a Harvest period, probably of the same duration as the others, namely, 40 years. This will be the ‘little season” during which Satan will be let loose, and be permitted to seduce those of a wayward (goat-like) character. Those, however, who are docile and faithful (sheeplike in character) will know the true Shepherd’s voice and will not listen to the voice of a stranger.

69 In Matt. 25: 31-46, which describes the judgment of the Millennial Age, and especially the Harvest of that Age, we are told: ‘* When the Son of Man shall come in
