The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


that they must kill every living creature. Witnesses Nos. 89 and 90 were first in Ratcha (Slavonia) where Major Belina gave his men permission to sack and loot all they could find. Everything was sacked. No. 91, of the 16th Infantry Regiment. In Dobritch he saw some privates of the 37th Hungarian Regiment bayonet 11 or 12 children from 6 to 12 years of age. This massacre was ordered by Lieutenant Nagy, and took place on the 16th or 17th of August. Witness was only about 30 or 40 yards away from the massacring soldiers. At that moment Lieutenant-Colonel Piskor, of the 16th Regt., passed, and called out to Nagy: “Why are you doing such a swinish thing?” Nagy replied : “ Order your own troops about, and leave mine alone. 1 have my orders from my superiors as to this.” The officers told the men that the Serbs cut off the noses, ears, ete., of the wounded. No. 92, of the 6th Zabal Infantry Regt. Before they crossed the frontier Captain Bosna: gave the order to kill every living creature from 5 years of age to old men. But after the men crossed the frontier, and when they came to the first Serbian village, the captain ordered two houses to be set on fire, and on this occasion he enjoined upon them to kill everything now, even infantsin their cradles. No. 93, of the 2nd Bosnian Regiment. His regiment came upon the bodies of peasants who had been burnt by the 100th Regiment in the third village beyond Ljubovia. They had been burnt on some hay. The order for these massacres had been given by Lieutenant-Colonel Krebs of the 100th Regiment. An officer of the 2nd, First-