The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia, str. 240
they have an Austrian cook who works under the supervision of an Austrian officer. These officers did not give me the impression of being too discontented with their fate, as they sang and entertained themselves as well as they could. The rooms in which they are lodged are simple, but very suitable.
I append a few typical depositions by AustroHungarian prisoners of war.
No. 114, of the 25th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 12th Company, complains of the lack of food in the Austrian army. The Army Transport Corps was never on the spot. The troops were told that the Serbs maltreated their prisoners, cutting off their noses, ears, etc. Witness is greatly surprised at the humane treatment he is experiencing in Serbia. He was slightly wounded, and the doctors and hospital attendants were very kind to him.
No. 113, squad leader of the 1st Bosnian Regiment, deposes that an Austrian Hospital Corporal was taken prisoner by the Serbs, and subsequently released. This incident was greatly praised by his Austrian colleagues. Their officers were of German extraction. He himself was wounded in the shoulder, and congratulated himself on having been very well treated by the Serbian hospital attendants, who gave him tobacco and bread.
No. 116, of the 32nd Landwehr Regiment. The bread is much better than the Austrian bread. His comrades and he had not expected to be so well treated in Serbia. It was said everywhere in Austria, and especially in the army, that the Serbs