The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations
Prikaz u BnLViewer-u
PAGE AuTHOR’s NOTE . . . . . : xi INTRODUCTION : , I
CHAPTER I. THe Great PYRAMID: THEORIES AND TRADITIONS . . . . : - 8 II. Trapirions REGARDING THE PYRAMID BUILDERS . . , ; . 5 Ad) Ill. THe Great Pyramip: Toms oR OBSERVATORY ? : : . ; . a 35 IV. “Tue Book of THE DEAD”. . . 56 VY. Tue House oF Osiris AND ITs ALLEGORY . 66 VI. AsTRONOMICAL CONCEPTIONS IN THE PYRAMID AND IN THE RITUAL : 3 : 0 | GOI VII. Tue Tempe oF Osiris. : ; - go Notes : . 109 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. : : : . 133 GENERAL INDEX . ; : 7 : ‘ - 134