The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


Tue Great Pyramid, as the “ Temple (or Secret House) of Osiris”, allegorically symbolizes the trials of the future life, the soul of the departed being portrayed as following its passages and chambers, the different parts of which correspond as follows to the allegory of the Ritual.

We have already pictured the postulant approaching its entrance in the north face, and invoking the aid of the god who is to be his guide on his journey of initiation. On entering the descending passage he takes his first steps on his “ descent for initiation” into the elements of the mysteries, after bidding farewell to the light of earthly day.

The Granite Plug and roof stone concealing it signify the “ hidden lintel ’, which seals up the knowledge in the chambers above, only to be revealed through due initiation and guidance. This portcullis cannot be passed until the secret passwords are given.

“© T will not let thee go over me unless you tell me my name,” is the challenge. ‘ The Weight in the right place is thy name,” comes the reply,? just as the raising of a portcullis depends upon the correct adjustment of the counterweights.

1 © ye who open the way . . . to perfected souls in the Temple of Osiris, open ye the way . . . to the soul of Osiris Ani, the scribe .. .” Such are the words of welcome addressed in the first chapter of the ritual to the neophyte (who always bears the title of Osiris) by Thoth (verse 11), who imparts the correct words to be said and instruction as to their utterance.

2 Marsham Adams’ translation.
