The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


Further passwords have to be given (ch. cxxv) and the postulant then finds himself in the ‘“ Double Hall of Truth ’—Hall of Truth in Darkness (First Ascending

Fic. 5 SECTION OF GREAT PYRAMID SHOWING PASSAGES AND CHAMBERS IN RELATION TO THE Book of the Dead. 1, ‘‘ Gate of the Horizon.” 2, “‘ Descent for Initiation.” 3, “‘ Hidden Lintel.”’ 4, ‘‘ Hallof Truth in Darkness,”’ or “‘ Hall of Justification”’. 5, “‘ Hall of Truth in Light,” or *‘ Hall of Illumination”’. 6, ‘‘ Chamber of New Birth.” 7, ‘Chamber of Triple Veil.” 8, ‘‘ Chamber of Open Tomb.” g, “‘ Secret Heights.” 10, Well Shaft. 11, ‘‘ Well of Life,” 12, “Place of the Central Fire.”

Passage), and Hall of Truth in Light (Grand Gallery). This latter has its counterpart in the “‘ New and Living
