The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


number of overlaps in the roof denote the number of decades of days in the Egyptian year—360.

Turning again to the walls of the Gallery, and the manner in which the courses overlap one another, it will be noticed there are seven such overlaps, while immediately above the third overlap there is a shallow groove running parallel the whole length of each wall, the object of which is not very apparent. Its purpose, however, appears to be a symbolic one, for we find the Grand Gallery also described as the ‘“‘ Luminous Chamber of the Orbit ”’, that is, the Orbit of the Earth, for it occurs precisely in the position relative to the various overlaps representing the orbits of the planets corresponding to that occupied by our own globe in the solar system.

The Great Step at the upper end of the Grand Gallery constitutes the ‘‘ Throne of Radiance’, while the seven overlaps in the end wall closing the south end of the Gallery immediately behind the Step, symbolize the seven great spirits who guard the throne of Osiris, and protect his body in the chamber beyond. (See ch. xvii, lines 99-106, and accompanying vignette—Budge, p. 101.) See Note Z.

At the junction of the First Ascending Passage and Grand Gallery is a kind of landing-place, or threshold, from which leads a horizontal passage, running underneath the Grand Gallery, and giving access to the Queen’s Chamber, or Chamber of Isis, “ the divine mother, and queen of the