The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


pyramid”. This chamber corresponds to the allegorical “ Chamber of the New Birth”, wherein the soul receives its second birth, after drinking of the waters of the “ well of life” (see above), which opens out at the same landing. Thus the postulant exclaims at the opening of chapter Ixiv, following the draught of water in chapter Ixii, “ I have the power to be born a second time . . . I have entered in as a man of no understanding, and I shall come forth in the form of a strong Spirit, and shall look upon my form which shall be that of men and women for ever and ever.”

The Queen’s Chamber floor level thus appropriately defines the level of the Nativity date,t and the threshold where all the three passages meet marks the ‘‘ Crossing of the pure roads (or waters) of Life ” of the Pyramid Texts.

With spirit now perfected, he claims entrance into the Hall of Illumination (ch. cxxvii), after giving all the necessary passwords previously to the guardians of the doors (cxxv). His entrance is greeted with the words: “Prepare ye the Hall when he comes ; justify his words against the accusers. There has been made for him the crown which belongs to him as the dweller in the Secret Place” (cxxvii, Adams’ translation).

As he gives the password to the last guardian, he receives the reply : ‘‘ Now will I make mention of thee to the god. But who is the god... ? Speak thou his name.” “‘ He who keepeth the record’ is his name... He is Thoth.” “Come,” saith Thoth. ‘‘ But why hast thou come?” ““T have come that I may be mentioned.” “ What now is thy condition?” ‘I am purified from evil things, and I am protected from the baleful deeds of those who live in their days; I am not among them.” “ Now will I make

1 Refer pp. 167-9 of Witness of Great Pyramid for definition of this date (B.c. 4), and how marked in the Pyramid’s chronology, with corroborative evidence from Scripture and history.