The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


Fic. 6.—Tue ‘‘ PLANE oF REVELATION’. 1, “‘ Chamber of the Triple Veil” (ABC, Portcullis Grooves). 2, ‘‘ Chamber of the Open Tomb.” 3, The ‘‘ Open” Tomb, or Coffer. R, “‘ Throne of Radiance ” at top of Grand Gallery.

mention of thee to the god (Osiris), says Thoth. “ Come forward, then ; verily thou shall be mentioned to him.”

As he mounts the Hall’s steep ascent, under the eyes of the forty-two judges, each of whom he addresses in turn and makes his confession (cxxv), towards the Throne of Judgment at its summit, the mystery of illumination is disclosed in successive stages at the twenty-one Gates or Pylons of Sekhet-Aahlu (cxlv, cxlvi), or the “ Elysian Fields ”’.

Arrived at the summit of the “‘ Throne of Radiance ”’, the Illuminate is now on the Plane of Revelation, which prepares him in the “Chamber of the Triple Veil” (Ante-chamber) for the final mystery in the “Chamber of the Open Tomb ” (King’s Chamber). Herein is revealed the purpose of the three portcullis grooves in the Ante-chamber,