The mystery of the Great pyramid : traditions concerning it and its connection with the Egyptian Book of the dead : with numerous illustrations


“This book (Witness of the Great Pyramid) is of very great interest. The author, an engineer . .. has many interesting things to tell. The evidence for the rejection of the ‘tombic’ and ‘accretion’ theories about the Great Pyramid is convincingly stated.”—Birmingham Gazette.

“The author is expert on the subject, and has given to it prolonged study. For the information he gives, as the result of his scientific observations, many readers will be grateful.’”—Methodist Recorder.

“* A clear and convincing exposition upon a highly-scientific subject, written for the benefit of the non-scientific reader. The writer combines in a remarkable degree a knowledge of scientific subjects with the ability to make them clear and interesting to the non-technical mind, and which is enhanced by a high literary standard.’”’—WNational Message.

“« A most clearly written and comprehensive exposition of the elements of Pyramid theory .. . destined to play an important part in the constructive controversies of the near future. ... It is a work that should compel the attention of all who are interested in the Great Pyramid. A work of this nature has long been needed.”—D. Davidson in National Message (19th February, 1927).


“* Please accept my congratulations for your very excellent work, and my sincere thanks for the very useful service you are rendering in helping to spread the truth of the Great Pyramid.’—D. D.

“Your book on the Great Pyramid is the clearest I know of on the the subject.””—Col. E. F. G.