The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


explains the solar ‘‘ wheeled ’’ Cross, the so-called “ Celtic” Cross, and the Red Cross of St. George, the Fiery Cross of the Scottish clans, the Bel Fire rites still surviving in the remoter parts of these islands at the summer solstice, and the numerous True Crosses with solar symbols stamped upon the ancient Briton coins of the ‘‘Catti’’ and ‘‘ Cassi” kings of the pre-Roman and pre-Christian periods in Britain.

Geographically, the topography of the “ prehistoric distribution of the early Aryan Phcenician settlements throughout Ancient Britain is recovered by the incidence of their patronymic and ethnic names in the oldest Aryan place, river and ethnic names in relation to the prehistoric Stone Circles and monuments, before the thick upcrop of later and modern town and village names had submerged or obscured the early Aryan names onthe map. The transplantation by the Phcenician colonists of old cherished homeland names from Asia Minor and Pheenician colonies on the Mediterranean is also seen. The Phoenician source and meaning of many of the ancient place, river andmountain names in Britain, hitherto unknown, or the subject of more or less fantastic conjecture by imaginative etymologists, is disclosed. And a somewhat clearer view is, perhaps, gained of the line of Phcenician seaports, trading stations and ports of call along the Mediterranean and out beyond the Pillars of Hercules in the prehistoric period.

In Economics and Science, the Hitto-Phcenician Aryan origin of our ordered agricultural and industrial life becomes evident. And the old British tradition is confirmed that London was built as the commercial capital several centuries before the foundation of Rome.

In Art, a like origin is disclosed for many of the motives in our modern decorative art. The religious solar meaning of the “ key-patterns ’ and spiral designs is elicited for the first time. And the art displayed by the Ancient Britons in the pre-Roman period is found to be based upon HittoPhcenician models, and to be of a much higher standard than in the Anglo-Saxon and “medieval” period in Britain.

Politically, the newly discovered racial link, uniting the Western Barats or “ Brit-ons” with the Eastern Barats
