The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


(or “ Britons’’) of India—still called ‘‘ The Land of the Barats "—through the blood-kinship with the ruling chiefs ot India now revealed and established, should favourably determine the latter, in these days of Indian unrest, to remain within the fellowship of the British Commonwealth, which is now shown to have retained the real ‘‘ Swavaj’’ elements of the old progressive ancestral Barat Civilization in a much purer form than the Indian branch. And the intimate Kinship of the Britons and British, properly so-called, with the Norse—the joint preservers of the ancestral Gothic epics, the Eddas—is now disclosed to be much closer and much more ancient than has hitherto been suspected ; and long before the Viking Age.

Classic Legend and Myth is to some extent rehabilitated by finding that some of the great heroes and demi-gods of Homer had a historical human origin in the personalities and achievements of famous Early Aryan and Barat Kings whose actual dates are now recovered.

The Psychologist and Eugenist may probably find a somewhat clearer standpoint for observing the effect of the mixing of racial elements in the composite British Nation, and in regard to the question of the racial element making for real progress in the complex conditions of our modern National Life.

Amongst the many minor effects of the discovery of the Aryan racial character of the Phcenicians and their merchant princes now disclosed, it would appear that the beautiful painting by Lord Leighton which adorns the walls of the Royal Exchange in London, portraying the opening of the Trade era in Britain, now requires an exchange of complexions between the aborigines of Albion and the Phcenician merchants, as well as some slight nasal readjustment in the latter to the Aryan type.

In thus opening up for us lost vistas of history adown the ages, and lifting considerably higher than before the dense veil that hung so long over the origin and ancestry of the composite races now forming the British Nation, the newfound historical evidence suggests that the modern AryanBritons or British, more fully than the other descendants