The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Indian Sanskrit Vedas and Epics. And it has been supplemented by actual visitation of some of the chief sites in the ancient homeland of the Phcenicians and Hitto-Sumerians in Mesopotamia and Syria-Pheenicia. It is for the unbiassed reader now to judge whether these many years of intensive study are justified by their results. Some of the outstanding historical results of these discoveries are indicated in the concluding chapter.

And here I gratefully acknowledge the great obligations I owe to my friend Dr. Islay Burns Muirhead, M.A., who from first to last has favoured me with his helpful candid criticism on many of the details of the discoveries, with not a few suggestive comments, some of which I have gladly incorporated in these pages, and whose unflagging interest in the progress of the work has been a constant source of encouragement. I am also indebted to the courtesy of the several authorities mentioned in the text, for replying to my enquiries and permitting the use of a few of the illustrations. A list of the chief authorities and publications referred to is given at the end of the work.

L. A. WADDELL. January, 1924.

Fic. A—Sun-horse of Pheenician Fic. B.—Ancient Briton Coin of Archangel Mikal (Michael) and Ist or 2nd cent. B.c. of same scene, his Cross vanquishing Dragon, also inscribed DIAS.

inscribed DJAS’ in Sumerian, (After J. Evans, E.C.B., pl. 6. 14.) with equivalent 5 “ cup-marks.”’ The Cross, Goat, and 5 ‘‘ cup-marks”’ ot Michael

From Hittite Ce appear in others of these Coins. Thus see the " SNES Se ee enol 5 cups” behind horse on the Briton coin on

(After Delaporte, D.C,0.. pl. 89. 2.) back of cover, and Figs. 3, 434. Gt, 64. 65, &c.