The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



of the Phcenicians, have inherited the sea-faring aptitudes and adventurous spirit of that foremost race of the Ancient World; and that the maritime supremacy of Britain, under her Phoenician tutelary Britannia, has been mainly kept alive by the lineal blood-descendants of these Aryan Pheenician ancestors of the Britons and the Scots and Anglo-Saxons,

In traversing such wide and varied fields of research in so many different specialized departments of culture and civilization, wherein a great mass of the new uncoordinated knowledge, laboriously unearthed by countless modern archeologists working in separate water-tight compartments, now receives a new orientation, it is scarcely possible that one individual, however careful, in such a pioneer exploration for the path of Truth along this vastly complex problem, can escape falling into errors in some details. But no pains have been spared to minimize such possibilities, and it is believed that such errors of commission, if they do occur, are relatively few and immaterial, and do not at all affect the main conclusions reached, which are so clearly established by the mass of cumulative historical evidence.

The long delay in publishing these discoveries, which were mostly made many years ago, has been owing to the vast scope of this exploration over so many wide fields, with the re-orientation of much of the mass of knowledge unearthed by countless archzeologists working in specialized but isolated and uncoordinated departments. To this has been added the necessity for my acquiring a working knowledge of the ancient scripts and languages in which the original ancient inscriptions and records were written, in order to revise at first hand the spelling of the proper names in the original records in the Cuneiform and its parent the Sumerian hieroglyphic script, also in the ‘‘ Akkadian,” Hittite, hieroglyph Egyptian, Cretan, Cyprian, Iberian, Runic Gothic, Ogam, and the so-called Pheenician Semitic, and its allied Aramaic and Hebrew scripts, in addition to the Indian Pali and Sanskrit. This has entailed the spending of many additional years in strenuous toil for the necessary equipment for this pioneer exploration from the Aryan standpoint, as disclosed by my new historical keys found embedded in the