The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



14. Coins of Phoenician “ Barats" of Lycaonia of ard cent. a.p. disclosing their tutelary goddess “ Barati’’ as “ Britannia.” (After W. M. Ramsay) 5 5 . c :

15. Britannia on Early Roman coins in Britain. (After Akerman)

16. Phoenician Coin of Barati or Britannia from Sidon. (After Hill)

17. Brit-annia tutelary of Phoenicians in Egypt as Bairihy, ‘“ The Mother of the Waters,” \ut or “* Naiad”’ (After Budge)

18. Egyptian hieroglyphs for Goddess Bairihy of Phoenician sailors .

1g. Briton Lady of Cat-wallaun clan, wife of Barvates, a SyrioPheenician. From sculpture of about 2nd century A.D. at South Shields :

20. A prehistoric Matriarch of the Vans(2) of the Stone Age. ‘FE rom a Hittite rock-sculpture near Smyrna. (After Martin)

21. Van or “ Biana,’’ ancient capital of Matriarch Semiramis, and “ The Children of Khaldis’’ on flanks of Ararat. (After Bishop)

2TA. Sun-Eagle triumphs over Serpent of Death, from pre-Christian

Cross at Mortlach, Banff. (After Stuart) . .

2. Three main racial head-types in Europe .

3. Hitto-Phoenician war-chariot as source of Briton war- chariots. (After Rosellini)

24. “ Trojan” solar shrine at Brutus’ birth- _prov ince (Latium) with identical Hittite symbols as in Ancient Britain. (ies Chantre) . .

25. Phoenician tin port in Cornwall, Ictis or St. Michael's Mount in Bay of Penzance. (After Borlase) 25a. Prehistoric Catti Sun-Cross and Spiral gravings on barrow stones at Tara, capital of Ancient Scotia or Erin. (After Coffey) . 25B. Catti coin inscribed “ Ccetiyo”’ from Gaul. (After Poste)

26. Phoenician Chair of 15th cent. B.c., with solar scenes as in Early Briton monuments and coins. From tomb of “ Syrian” high-priest in Egypt. (After A. Weigall)

27s Sumerian Sighting Marks on Observation Stone of Kesw ick Stone Circle

28. Mode of Sighting Solstice Sunrise by “Observation Stone at Keswick Circle '

29. Mode of Sighting Solstice Sunrise by Observation Stone at Stonehenge -

30. Prehistoric “‘ Cup- markings " on monuments in British Isles. (After Simpson) 5 3 c = . 5 =

31. ‘‘ Cup-markings ”’ on amulet whorls from Troy. (From Schliemann) ‘ ‘ : , : : : : :

32. “‘ Cup-marks” on archaic Hitto-Sumerian seals and amulets. (From Delaporte)

33- Circles as diagnostic cipher “marks of Sumerian and Chaldee deities, in ‘‘ Trial ’’ scene of Adam, the son of God Ja (“ Iahvh’ or Jove). From Sumer seal of about 2500 B.c. (After Ward)

34. Circle Numerical Notation in Early Sumerian, with values

35. Father-god Ja (‘‘ Jahvh”’ or Jove) or Indara, bestowing the Lifegiving Waters. From Sumer seal of about 2450 B.c. (After


Delaporte) : 36. Dual Circles designate two-headed Resurrecting Sun. From Hitto-Sumer seals of about 2400 B.c. (After Delaporte)

37. Returning or Resurrecting Sun entering “‘ Gates of Night.” From Hittite seals of about 2000 B.c. (After Ward) : 38. Returning or Resurrecting Sun in prehistoric Irish rockgravings as Two-Cup-marks with Reversed Spirals entering Gates of Night. (Figs. after Coffey) 5 5 = i


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