The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


by the same Eastern branch of the Aryan Barats or Brit-ons, discloses the Phcenician motive for erecting this inscribed monument in Early Britain to the God of the Sun with his special symbol of the Swastika Cross—an emblem embroidered on the dress of the priests! and priestesses of the Sun (see Fig 2), and figured freely with other solar symbols on Pheenician and Early Briton monuments and on pre-Roman Briton coins, as we shall see later.

This Brito-Phcenician inscription in Britain, in recording unequivocally the Aryan character of the Phcenicians, as well as the Phcenician ancestry of the Britons and Scots, merely confirmed the historical results which I had previously

Fic 2.—Swastika Crosses on dress of Phoenician Sun-priestess carrying sacred Fire. From terra-cotta from Phoenician tomb in Cyprus. (After Cesnola, 30.)

elicited many years before, from altogether different sources, by discovering new keys to the Phcenician Problem. These unlocked the sealed stores of history regarding the origin and activities of the Early Phoenicians, and disclosed them to be the leading branch of the Aryan race, and Aryan also in speech and script, and the lineal parents of the Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons.

Before proceeding further, therefore, it is desirable to

1 For Swastikas on dress of a Hittite high-priest, see Fig. in Chapr. XXII,