The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


It is a pleasant duty to me to express my thanks to Sir Arthur Evans for permission to reproduce here his ethnographical map of Southern Slav countries; to the proprietor of The Daily Telegraph for kindly allowing me to reproduce, for the chapter “‘ Serbia in the World War,’ some of the correspondence I sent to his paper from the front. Equally I thank the editor of The Outlook for the kind permission to reproduce here the articles “Can AustriaHungary be Spared?” and “ The Problem of the Adriatic’; also the editor of the Asiatic Review for the article “‘The Southern Slavs and Panslavism.”

Especially I am indebted to my friends Milan G. Miloevié, the late Serbian Consul at Trieste, to Branislav Petronievié, Alexander Beli¢ and St. Stanoevi¢é, professors at the University of Belgrade, for many valuable suggestions while discussing some topics of the present book with them.

I thank Mrs. Fanny Copeland also for kindly revising the proofs.

VuapisLav R. Savic.

Palace Hotel, Bedford Avenue, W.C.
