The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


The world has seen, indeed, many an instance of ingratitude of nations, but the ingratitude of Bulgaria towards Russia, who called her to life, and Great Britain and France, who carefully watched and assisted her progress, has surpassed everything of the kind, and is of so abject a character that it blackens human nature in general. But to make it more disgraceful, the brutal act of blind passion was accompanied by such vile cunning and double dealing that the governing circles in Sofia may pride themselves to have beaten every record in this respect also.

Thanks to Bulgaria’s action Serbia has passed through a terrible agony such as no living nation has ever experienced in history. The Central Empires have won a very important strategic position, increasing their power of resistance and of evil doing. The war has been prolonged by so many months, and hundreds of thousands of British and French lives must be sacrificed in the Balkans in order to make good the damage caused by the hate and ambition of the Coburg Prince and his hirelings in Bulgaria.

Since the very day of the “happy” consummation of the Bulgaro-German Alliance all political quarters in Sofia, without distinction of party and shade, have rejoiced over it as being the realisation of their innermost desire. The idea of a union of free and independent Balkan States has been broken like an impotent idol