The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


and derided like a stupid ideal of weak nations, but unworthy of Bulgaria, the worthy Ally of mighty Germany. We sincerely doubt whether that ideal can be ever called to life again. The present struggle is a fearful crucible, and out of it will come a new world ruled by new ideals and a new grouping of nations.

What the ideal of Bulgaria is the Cabinets of London, Paris and Petrograd have misunderstood to their own harm. To a certain degree they may be honoured by having been the dupes of the Bulgarians’ villainous hypocrisy, as in their straightforwardness and solicitude for the good of Bulgaria, they could never have suspected such depravity of human nature, and this not only in a single Prince or his Government, but in every political quarter of a whole nation. But they could never be excused if they were ever deceived again. The lesson has been paid for by such appalling sacrifices, with the most precious British and French blood shed in the Balkans, and such fearful agony of Serbia, that this must be taken into account in any future dealings with Bulgaria.

Like criminals pursued by evil dreams, Bulgarian politicians after having crucified Serbia fear even her shadow and demand her complete annihilation. If it were the evil destiny of Europe to succumb to the German hegemony, the Serbian nation demands nothing from the future; and to be worthy of her past, she would