The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


proudly lie in the same shroud in which the liberty of Europe would be laid to rest. Let Bulgaria and her German and Magyar accomplices gloat over the victim of her hate, and share the spoils, as it seems good to them. But if outraged right is to come out victorious, and if the wrongs of Europe are to be redressed, Serbia must be protected from any future outburst of Bulgarian hate and vengeance. Serbia does not demand the annihilation of Bulgaria, she may continue to exist, but she must be shorn of the power for evil-doing. The future frontiers of Serbia and her railway lines running through the Timok and Vardar valleys being the arteries of Serbia, must be protected by a larger belt of territory. Such an arrangement would not be contrary to the principle of nationality, as the Slav population of the Western Bulgaria, up to the river Isker, has very little or nothing of the Mongolian blood in it, and has always tended towards Serbia. During the Berlin Congress, many among them sent petitions to the Powers to be incorporated with Serbia. Justice must be done to Serbia; this is demanded by the honour of Great Britain and her Allies, who have pledged their word to that effect.

But apart from the justice that must be done to Serbia in protecting her from any future Bulgarian attack, the solution on the above lines is dictated by the necessity of enabling Serbia to fulfil the function of a strong wall against any