The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


of London. He said: “ This ideal is the union in one single fatherland of all the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, who are one people with the same traditions, the same tongue, the same tendencies, but whom an evil fate has divided. This ideal, and the feeling that we are fighting side by side with our great Allies for right and justice, has supported us through the unspeakable trials which our people and our army have endured.”

It follows that the future Southern Slav State is to be a true fatherland with complete equality for all of them: Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Therefore, without fear of being subsequently proved in the wrong, we may state a few facts as they stand now. There is no doubt, and can be no discussion, concerning the fundamental principle of the constitution of their State. That State can only be a commonwealth based upon the broadest principles of democracy; a nation governed in the interests and by the full consent of the governed, in which all classes must take a proportional share in the government.

The Southern Slavs take Italy for their pattern. The existing differences between the Southern Slavs are less than those which existed between Piedmont, Tuscany, Neaples, and Sicily. Nevertheless, the Italian statesmen of the risorgimento were able to create a united Italy. This unity has proved a success, and has enabled Italy to take a high rank among the nations; and the Southern Slavs believe that their unity will be equally successful.