The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


Great Britain founded a world empire; she had a world policy, and her influence was felt on all highways and in the remotest corners of the globe. The Southern Slavs lived and prospered, they succumbed to invasion and suffered long centuries of oblivion. They awoke from their long slumber and through fierce struggles made their way to rightful recognition, to freedom and liberty. But Great Britain’s influence was absent from their destiny, their paths did not cross. Unfortunately for the Southern Slavs it may be said that Great Britain was either indifferent or prejudiced towards them. Her influence was felt, not directly, but only incidentally through her relations with Russia. In the time of RussoBritish jealousies, Great Britain could have no sympathy with the cause of the Southern Slavs. She was prejudiced because she considered them only as_ political cats-paws in the service of Russia. She preferred Turkish rule to Slav independence, and consequently at the Berlin Congress her diplomacy was very instrumental in the prolongation of Turkish misrule in the Southern Slav provinces as well as in