The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


THe present ordeal is a fearful crucible out of which a new world will arise. Europe will be changed and new political groupings will take place. Of course, no reconstruction of SouthEastern Europe can be thought of before we get a clear answer to the question, Can AustriaHungary be spared? To be able to answer the question, How far will Austria-Hungary be affected by that change, and whether she can be maintained? we must make an impartial survey of the forces governing the Hapsburg Monarchy.

Until quite recently the general trend of European affairs was very much in favour of the Hapsburg Monarchy. Both groups of European Powers, those who feared Russia as well as those who dreaded Germany, favoured the maintenance and the strengthening of AustriaHungary. To both of them, deceived by outward appearances, the Danubian Empire appeared as the most desirable factor of the European equipoise. Both the Pan-German and the PanSlav dangers worked for it. Some feared the