The Vedic fathers of geology

Tur Azoic Eprocu.

The Vedic Texts and Authorities.

(इ) येन. -पयिवी च दृढा । ( ऋ. वे. ९०. ९२९. ९).

(ङ) अपाखपस्ये विश्रतो यदावसत... -.- | ( 31TH: ) 1 (ऋ. वे. ९. २९४. २).

(31) AAT: |

इदं वा अपरेनेव किच नाऽऽसीत। न दयौर सीन्न परथिवी । नान्तरिक्षम्‌ । तदसदेव सद्‌ मनो कुरुतस्यामिति । तहप्यत ।

ae ५ स ५। a

(ने. व्रा. २.२.९. ९).


Enelish Translation thereof,

९ ) “By him ६ the Earth is steadfas (Griffith), (Rig-Veda, X 121.5)

(d) The fire was then

on the lap of waters, and dwelt extended therein. (This means that, before the Earth became firm or solid, it wasin a calorific moltenstate. Thatis tosay, it was alla thermal decp. and this expression seems to have been couched in the aforesaid words of the text), (R. V. I. 144-2). 2 (a) From the sky, that is, from ether, there was wind which produced fire. (This means that, in the 1217116 space, there was wind; and this produced fire )

(Taitt. Up. ll. 1)

(४) The fire ;roduced

water (in course of time }

( Taitt, Up. Il. 1) (c) From water came out lands ( gradually ) ( Taitt. Up. 11.1)

3 (a) ‘ At first this ( that is, the uMivyerse ) was not any thing. There was

neither sky, nor earth, nor air. Being non-existent, it resolved, ‘let me he.’ It (then) became fervent.”