The Vedic fathers of geology


- free from the devastating ice. They were, therefore, compelled to wander (#4 #Tad चरच्‌ ) take southern direction, and roam about night and day in quest of refuge and protection, tll at last they passed the northern latitudes overrun by the deadly frost and ice.

As soon, however, as they stepped beyond the frozen zone, they stood and stopped, made a halt, and were intent upon some action ( उत्तिष्टखता wate | vide Manu’s explanation and paraphrase of this-#ataqzgadeat—as also its English translation, ante p. 144), as they found time to breathe, evidently for the reason that they were beyond the reach of danger. But, although they had outlived the catastrophe, certainly not all but only a very few of them, they were, all of them, homeless, and could no more live in places where they had temporarily made a halt, only for breathing time. They, therefore, naturally considered that it was time for quitting these halting stations ( afteraeg grat: ). Consequently, they abandoned these places where they had halted fora time, moved and marched onwards, in search of new homes and lands of their choice for settlement, till at last the junior branch-the European A’ryans who had forgotten A Tyavarta, their cradle—settled in parts of Europe, now known by the name of Russia, Germany, Great