The Vedic fathers of geology


Azoic Age 110. -Epoch 21, 104, 105, 107, 115, 128. —Period 128.


Babylonians 98.

Beeas (Bias or the river Bejah), wide Vip&sh, the Vedic name of modern Bias 55, 56.

Benefactors of Mankind-the Vedic A’ryan Fore-fathers 2. 1.

58 72६8 [९ 1187102, 138. Bhagavata Purina-Geological references in the-9.

Bharata-Varsha 34, 75.

Bha'rati’ya Samrajya—or the History of the Hindu Empire p. IIL.

Bha'vartha Dipika, or Jnaneshyari 123.

Birth-place—of the Primitive Ancestors. 138,


His viewsaboutthe A’ryan cradle being 1:32.

Blanford 153.

Bloomfield—Professor—on the antiquity of the Vedas 26, 30.

Boar ( azz ) 18, 88, 116. -representing the mammalian life-type 14.

—the mammalian order re-


presented by Boar, as per view of the Vedic and Purdnic Geologists 116,128. Boehtlingk 145. Boyle 97.

Bra hmanam 26. —the approximate date of the Brihmanas 26, 27. -the Aitareya—74, 99, 143, 145, 157, —-Kaushitaki 74, 99. -Shatapatha-27, 77, 135, 136. -Taittiriya 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 70, 89, 105, 106, 116, 119, 120, 1

Brahmanical Books 44.

Bra’hmans 36. -the worshippers of Indra 58, 59. -the Sacrifice-loving ^ yans 58. -those who know the Brahma Mantra, or the laud of the Lord 58.

Brahmarshi Desha 28. Brahma varta 35, 38 Brihaspati 27, 28. Buddhist learning yp). VBuifon 97. Buhler-Dr.-on the antiquity of the Vedas 26, Bukka-King of the Empire of Vizayanagar 123.
