The Vedic fathers of geology


Neptunian theory 94,

New world 63, 155. Niagara falls 84.

Night invoked and request-

ed to become fordable 67.

_-long-64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 83. -six monthly—64, 70, 80. Nile 98. Noah Deluge of 93. Noetling Dr. 32.

-discovery of fossils byof Pre-cambrian ^ & €102, 111, 114, 129, 154.

Non Sacrificers 40, 42.

NorthernBoundary of A’ryavarta-the Himilaya—138.

Northern India—most ancient life-types.—found in—101.

-origin of life in Northern India, or the region of the river Sarasvati 101.

-the scene of Primitive vitality-A’ryavarta—102.

Northern Mountain 76, 77, 137, 138, 141, 148, 149. North-West India 102, 111,


Nrisimha Purva TapaniUpanishad 89, 116.

Nycthemeron -one continuous day and night, making together atime of twenty-

four hours 71-


Occident 156. -The Great Ice Age inthe

Geology of the-156. Oldest Ancestors—viz.

-the ancient fore—fathers (of our Rig-Vedic Rz81178 ) 118 belonged to the Tertiary Period p. I.

-the most ancient Poets of our thoughts p. I.

-the berefactors of Mankind p. I,

-the fathers of the most natural of Natural religions p. I.

-the framers of the most wonderful language the Sanskrit p. I,

-the makers of the most transparent of mythologies p. I. .

—the most genuine inyentors of very subtle philosophies p. L.

-the first givers of the most elaborate laws p. I.

—the first workers in the construction of our fundamental concepts p. I.

—the oldest ancestors that framed our first words p.1. (vide Primitive Ancestors ).

Old world 63, 155. Olenellus 102, 114, 154Olympus 140.

Oolite Epoch-108.

-reptiles of the-108,