The Vedic fathers of geology


_—_——s ose ___..__ CHAPTER I, —S +o eS

The Vedic Discoveries in Geology,

Before actually entering upon the legititaate discussion of the subject in hand, I think it desirable to make a few observations In respect of the province and scope of Geology, in

view of anticipating objections that may he raised, that the so-called geological discoveries, ascribed by me to the Vedic Fathers, do not in the least appertain to, or have any the remotest connection with, the purposes and methods, or objects and conclusions of Geology. J shall, therefore, endeavour to solve this point, and remove the doubts arising therefrom. Now, Geology (from Gy. ge the earth, ald logos a discourse or reasoning ) embraces in its widest sense all that can 76 known or infer“ed of the constitution and history of the struccure OF our planet. Or, in the words of Sir Charles Lyell, an eminent geolocist, “ Of what materials is the Harth composed, and in what manner are these materials arranged ? These are the first inquiries with which geology 15 occupied”.? Besides, researches into the

- Lyell’: Manual of Elementary Geology, 1855, p, 4